If someone is 62 what year did he graduate?


In the UK most people graduate in their early 20s. But as anyone can start going to university at any age, your 62-year-old might have graduated yesterday.

We only graduate from colleges and universities - places of higher education. We don't "graduate" from ordinary school, what you call high school, because if everyone does it, it's nothing special.


Depends what country they were in and whether they had a break. I graduated with a degree in 1978


I am 62.  I graduated from high school in 1977.

I've had lots of graduations since then, but that is the one I assume you are asking about.


We can't tell you, dumbass. It depends oin the month they were born, if they started school at a normal age, were held back or jumped ahead academically during school, etc. Otherwise, do your own math. It's not exactly rocket science. 

Donnie Porko2021-04-07T00:16:08Z

For college, possibly 1980 if he graduates at 21. 1981 at age 22. Or 1986 or 1987 if he’s the average American. The average American spends 6 years in undergraduate school.