I'm 15k in debt. I'm not behind, and I can't seem to get any help. What are my options?

Im currently $15k in debt right now. I can't seem to get approved for any consolidation loans (even with a co-signer - ive tried on Nerdwallet and all of their recommendations). My credit score is a 645. My debt/income ratio is a very hefty 87% (includes car payment (not included in debt calculation), insurance, rent, utilities, add in my debt / income). I was young and dumb and thought I had money but growing up now.... yeah that wasn't true.

What are my possible options? I don't want to file for bankruptcy but if that's my last resort than so be it. 

A Hunch2021-04-07T03:54:06Z

There is 168 hours in a week.
If you aren't working at least 80 of those, that is what your BEST OPTION is.
Yes, you will be very tired.
But at $10 an hour, your debt will be more than cut in 1/2 in 6 months.
Then you can reduce down to 60 hours a week for 6 months and be in pretty good shape in about a year's time.