Anyone Else Not Get Their Federal Tax Refund Yet?
Has anyone else gotten their state refunds yet but not their federal refunds yet? I did my taxes in early February and got my state refunds but not my federal refunds yet. I was alerted by email that the IRS accepted by state and federal taxes but why would there be a hold-up on the federal taxes? Just all the stimulus stuff happening?
Does anyone have a working number they've used to contact the IRS? I tried all the numbers listed on and they all say "Due to call volumes, we can not complete your call at this time, goodbye." And yes, my tax preparers aren't responsible for contacting the IRS but they were not very helpful to contact them either.
Since it's been 8 weeks, should I just be more patient this year or would you give it a little more time? Again, any working IRS number you guys have used would be appreciated, thanks! :)