Does he like me ? Is he using me ?

Hello everyone I have been dating this man for a month and a half. I'm 20 and he's 32 this year. We met on a popular dating app. We have been on 5 dates so far, and he even came to church with me last Sunday. ( i invited him). He's very affectionate and says he enjoys the quality time we spend together. After the 3rd date I did something  childish to make him jealous, then he kinda gave me the silent treatment, wouldn't initiate contact, but always replied to my messages. Last week when we saw each other i confronted him about it, and he said he took a step back to analyse the situation,  we both agreed that we were mutually interested in eachother, so he said he was going to start messaging me like before. Yesterday he politely invited me to go on vacation with him this weekend, I refused because of the COVID situation. And ever since we started dating he often invites me to visit his place for dinner. The thing is, I have done a few favours for him, (nothing sexual) ex i'm into astrology so i wrote a report for him, (he kindly asked me to send him one), i also like calligraphy so i sent him a card with his name on it. Sometimes I feel like i'm more invested than him. He did pay for our food multiple times, he often compliments me, and he wants to see me. But he sometimes I feel like he doesn't appreciate my efforts, and sometimes he'll just leave me on read, despite saying he won't do it again. What do you guys think ? Any help would be appreciated !


Note: He met my parents on Sunday after church. HE was the one who wanted to see them.


When I said he often invites me over to his place, I meant "asking me" I haven't been yet.


I think this guy does like you. The fact that he has invested so much time and effort in getting to know you confirms this. I think that if he wanted a short-term relationship he would have made more of an effort to do something physical with you. Also, players often leave after a while, especially if they have not made any progress in getting you to have sex with them.

With regard to not appreciating your efforts, this could simply be a little flaw in his character. Remember, nobody is perfect and everyone has their weaknesses. For instance, many guys are lazy texters and simply do not place a high emphasis on it as a form of communication. As a result, they can often come across as not caring when in reality they really like you. For gestures, such as showing affection, I often feel that guiding a guy can help. Many guys are often conscious about boundaries during the dating phase and worry about coming on too strong. Alternatively, other guys are just bad at expressing their appreciation via affection. Hence, taking the initiative and guiding him can be really helpful in overcoming this problem.

In short, I think this guy really likes you. It is just a matter of time before he asks you to be his girlfriend. What you need to do in the meantime is continue letting him know how much you like him and things will happen naturally. Good luck and I hope this helps :)

Question: Do you know if this guy who you are seeing has a lot of dating experience or is a lot of this new to him? If you would like I'd be happy to help you some more? Would it be ok if I emailed you? If its easier, feel free to msg me at