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Anonymous asked in Family & RelationshipsSingles & Dating · 18 hours ago

Is being a 22 year old male virgin a justifiable reason to end your own life?

21 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    6 hours ago

    Yes. You are worthless 

  • 8 hours ago

    No.  Read the New Testament for answers to life's problems.  I suggest starting with the Gospel of John.  Ask Jesus to save you.  Follow Him as best you can.  Pray for God's will and direction in your life.  He will bless you and answer your prayers in a way that is best  if you put your faith in Him. 

  • garry
    Lv 6
    8 hours ago

    Yes it is , poor old tool doesnt work on you , lol can i watch you commit suicide !!!Just to make sure you do it right . Look at the good side , no kids and no bimbo wife !!!

  • 8 hours ago

    no stop it,being a virgins a good thing jim

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  • 9 hours ago

    Not even slightly. An 82 year old virgin, maybe. But then of course, at that point what difference does it make? 

  • Anonymous
    10 hours ago

    Being a virgin doesn't mean anything, get a good career, job... Love yourself

  • 11 hours ago

    Absolutely not! Despite what you might think, there's nothing wrong with being a virgin and no, girls don't actually care if you are one.

    What they will care about is any insecurities or lack of confidence you might have because of this.

    It's kind of a wicked cycle: if you feel insecure, then you won't be confident, which means you won't put your best foot forward, which might make you feel insecure.

    I think the best way to break the cycle is to work on yourself and not worry about when you "finally have sex." Remember: sex is never the goal in a relationship and if that's the only thing you focus on then good luck finding some quality people.

    I hope this helps and that you recognize your life is super important! If you need any other help or questions feel free to reach out on socials @therealmarzbar!

  • 12 hours ago

    I'm in the exact same position as you also 22 male virgin (excluding escorts); and the way society treats virgins makes me feel like it is.

  • 16 hours ago
  • 17 hours ago

    No, it's a ridiculous reason. Lots of people are virgin even in their 30s. If it's important for you not to be a virgin, but you lack confidence, see a therapist.

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