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Anonymous asked in Family & RelationshipsSingles & Dating · 5 days ago

Men, please answer? Is this guy just being friendly or does he like me? ?

A few weeks ago, I was out for a cycle and I heard a small group of people speaking a language that I’m currently learning so as I passed by I saluted them in that language. One of the guys was really friendly and a couple of minutes later, he cycled over to where I was locking my bike and introduced himself. We spoke for a few minutes - just general stuff. Anyhow, I cycle there everyday to lock bike and swim on beach. He always calls me over for a little chat and introduces me to anyone he’s talking too. I seem to be the only woman he talks to and he’s always very polite and friendly. Yesterday he came over to talk to me again for a few minutes. To be honest, I feel an attraction to him. Does it sound like he’s just being friendly or does he like me too? 

39 Answers

  • 19 hours ago

    Go out for a drink, then jump his bones...?

  • 23 hours ago

    how would i know

  • Anonymous
    2 days ago

    Got no idea.

    Maybe ask him? Never know until you try!

  • Misty
    Lv 5
    2 days ago

    At this stage in the progression to him asking you out, he is in the "being friendly stage".

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  • 3 days ago

    He is getting to know you to see if his initial attraction is strong enoughto ask you out ona date. 

    If you ask me, this is the PERFECT way to find a date or even a friend...meeting while doing things you both enjoy...Biking, the beach, swimming.

    When asked, I always tell people to get involved with their lives to meet new people and possibly find romance. See, it may he happening to you right now!

    Just be yourself and get to KNOW him well so he can earn your trust.

  • 3 days ago

    I believe he is trying to flirt with you. ask him out and see what happens!

  • 4 days ago

    I think he likes you, since he makes it a point to communicate with you so often.  If he's young, he might still be assessing whether it would be too forward to ask for your number or social media details, and his chances of being rejected if he asks you out.  Keep up the chatter with him.

  • Mark
    Lv 7
    5 days ago

    I think he does - but you will validate that.  Men (I am one) are as shy as women, and often don't be "bold".

  • Good
    Lv 6
    5 days ago

    It's a little soon to know right now.

    If I had to guess, I would say he is

    trying to get to know you without

    pressuring you and making you

    feel uncomfortable.  Give him time

    to see if he thinks you are worth

    liking enough to spend time with.

    You may have the right look for

    him but what's in that soul of yours?

    Give him time to find out.


  • 5 days ago

    Congratulations, this is one of the ways people met before the internet and dating apps existed

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