Why don't illegal immigrants take personal responsibility for any of their situations?

Such as their kids dying in the desert or enriching cartels, being locked in cages being deported having to live without papers, benefits etc. At what point are they, like everyone else on the planet, responsible for their own situation? And that includes what's going on in their home countries. 


Because with our country under corrupt LIEberal left socialist demoCROOK control it's FAR easier for them to ILLEGALLY enter OUR country and claim "asylum" that they do NOT qualify for and leach off OUR country than for them to fix they're OWN country's corruption OR immigrate to our country the proper LEGAL way where they would be WELCOME to stay here! They're like a swarm of mosquitoes attacking a person sucking the blood, the life juice, of our country and they don't care HOW they get it as long as they get what THEY want even if it kills the host!!


They come because they know they can get jobs here and they are trying to escape the extreme poverty and violence in their home countries. You would do the same thing if you were very poor, had no opportunities, and in constant danger of being killed or disappearing because of drug cartels.


Why are you disrespecting your grandfather like that?


This sounds like conservative rhetoric. White capitalist institutions create oppressed societies by exploiting their countries for their resources and labor. The  when the people try to escape the oppression, they not only blame them for their own situation but pile on more accusations about them causing harm in the white society as well. When you muthafukkas die all y'all devil's goin straight to hell.


Why should they when our government is so willing to take responsibility for them when they invade?

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