I’m 18 and I’ve never watched porn?

I’m 18 and I’ve never watched porn. I’m a virgin the most I’ve done with a girl is a boob grab. When I do have sex, will I have no clue what to do and will I last like 10 seconds? 


Sex is a natural process and it's  not that complicated. You'll figure it out.

pit bulls bite2021-04-07T13:47:41Z

you wont know till it happens


You never watch movies/TV with sex scenes?


Keep it that way, porn is destructive and will mess your mind up and turn you into an addict.


Porn is grossly exaggerated almost all the time. Real sexual relations are hardly ever that exaggerated and dare I say messy. Not having seen sexual intercourse on the internet will hardly effect your performance in the future. You just need practice. You can’t expect to perform perfectly on the first try, and everyone is different so what may work for someone may not for another. Do not worry my friend.