Why is it that in America, veterans from the Afghanistan and Iraq war can still find themselves on the streets doing drugs?

Shouldn’t the government be doing more to help the veterans? 

I have read an article recently by the New York Times and it discussed how bad the drug problem in Philadelphia is. People can buy and use drugs in certain neighborhoods. Many people even overdose and die. Among the drug users are veterans who somehow found themselves on the streets and addicted to heroin or fentanyl.

The government under Trump gave tax breaks to wealthy corporations but the veterans were not helped find shelter, get healthcare, or a job.

Ray S2021-04-07T12:02:46Z

It's been a long time since Republicans have been supportive of funding programs that benefit our soldiers once they're off active duty. But, Democrats are in control now. And, Bernie Sanders is very pro vet. So, help is on the way. It will probably turn up this year in one of the three economic bills Democrats will be able to pass via Budget Reconciliation.

Lib Nemesis2021-04-07T11:38:20Z

Because some of them CHOOSE to drugs.  Blaming the government for peoples' poor choices is idiotic


Meh.  There are lots of programs to help vets.  The ones on the street are there because they want to be there.


you were the guy who wouldnt eat the food at diner cuz lady waitress passed gas on your food, 
sick pos you are..you bum , go watch your porn and get a life !!!


Because helping people is anti-capitalist. 

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