Why do most marriages fail?


Because women can't stay happy for very long.
They file for 70% of the divorces.



Getting married too quick
Getting married too young

Statistics are flawed I know more people who haven't been divorced than I do have been.  My in-laws have been married 50 years, my parents would have been married for 56 years but my dad died.  My husband has 2 siblings and I have 2 siblings, they are all married and none of them have been divorced, they've been married 15-22 years.  Between all of us the only owner of a divorce decree is well... me.  My husband is husband #2 and we've been married going on 18 years.

My first husband and I got married too young (we were both 22) and spent too much time apart (he was in the military and often deployed) so we basically just grew apart.  We had an amicable & friendly divorce (and we still get along).  We were married for 6 years but together for 12.


All their friends are divorced.


Hard to say; from snoring to spousal abuse. 


Well, the latest 2020 statistics I've seen for the U.S. says that 39% of marriages end in divorce, so it's not most marriages.

While I haven't read any statistics on the why, I do believe that a lot of the answers can be found just by looking at the questions being asked in here, both in the Marriage & Divorce section and in the Singles & Dating section.

People get involved with someone who, to the outsider, clearly isn't good for them, and yet they hang on, trying to change themselves, trying to change their partner, looking for that magic fix that will suddenly turn that other person into the perfect boyfriend/girlfriend, and many think marriage is the fix, but it isn't.

People rarely change, and slowly that infatuation/blinding love that was the reason they settled and couldn't let that other person go before starts to die, often aided along by living together, financial stress after buying a house/car/whatever, sleepless nights due to crying infants etc.

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