Should I inform my professor that my classmates are cheating?

Hi, This is very hard to talk about and I am in a programming class and it requires a lot of work. I have received help from one particular student and in class, however, I was accused of cheating because my work was like his. so after that, I did my own work and everything. without any help. unfortunately, my other classmates on GroupMe are receiving help and much more. meaning that this guy is doing their program and fixing for them. one particular girl in the class admitted that she will be doing her assignment on the last minute and ended up having someone do it for her on GroupMe. I feel like this is not hard work and I am trying not to let this bother me anymore but its eating me inside every day now. Plus, they all gave this guy money at the end as a gift for money I find it very odd. I have always been taught that hard work goes along way. should I inform my professor about this. 


i would tell him about it


Your lack of basic punctuation makes me question if you're really in a "programming class." If the above is accurate then you should leave it alone.


You would need to have proof and not just rumor so it would be hard. Get some screenshots would be useful to send anonymously to the teacher. One problem with programming is that some nerds are good a programming but not good at getting a job so they will do work for money. It starts with homework but after a bit they will be doing full projects. I've even known at university of people getting their final year project done by an unemployed geek but it was $5000. So it's best to report it where you can.


There's a reason professors give tests - to gauge the knowledge of the student independently from homework.

If your professor is too stupid to ensure that his/her students are actually learning the course material, I'm guessing he/she doesn't care.