Getting a new bed necessary? Names have been changed.?

So I been thinking about this for a while now.I want mainly guys to answer but girls are welcomed to.So 2 cousins of mine both female and both have a child each had breakups with their boyfriend 2 years apart.They lived with their man but they both kept the place they we're in.So 1 of my cousins got a new boyfriend about 8 months later.He moved in sooner then expected he said this, "We need a new bed." I'm not sleeping in that bed that's the bed you shared with Mike." My cousin gladly agreed and got a new bed. Next cousin is gonna have her boyfriend move in a few months when his lease is up. He said the same thing to her. "I'm not sleeping in that bed." "That's the bed you shared with Adam." My cousin said "I understand okay."So these 2 ******* got rid of perfect beds bc they shared it with their you my 2 cousins are not sisters so there's no way that the 2 guys contacted each other.They live in different states.So here's my question.They each have a child.My cousin is 28 my other cousin is 31.So their asking for a new bed right? WTF want her to get a new Where do you think that kid came from? They'll sure stick their bare penis in them though right?BUT GUYS THAT'S THE SAME VAG SHE SHARED WITH HER LAST GUY? But asking to get a new bed in my opinion is like asking her to get a new vag.If they felt strongly about that.That means no sex either.Yeah they didn't think about that did they?What do you think pettiness,insecurity,control what?


Favorite Answer

Honestly, you seem to be the one with the issue on this, while everyone else is okay. 
 My girlfriend made me get a new mattress too when we first started dating. I didn't have an issue with it either - think of all the dead skin cells, dirt, fluids, and perspiration that gets absorbed into it. Yeah, I wouldn't want to sleep in someone else's DNA.
You equating a bed to a vagina is logical fallacy for me.