Why does the liberal media only report things that make Democrats look good?


Some people still do not believe in the Deep State. Sadly, that means that they cannot accept that most of the MSM is part of that Deep State. They are permanent, unelected, members of the estblishment who are there to carry out the wishes of the world's real rulers.

Hollywood and the music industry is also part of the propaganda machine. To get on in the world you need to have committed certain crimes so the rulers have a hold over you. If you refuse then you never get a top job. That is why they were so apoplectic when Trump stormed in to the top job. he was not approved and was not under their control.

Sadly, that does make you look at Hollywood A-Listers in a completely new light.


Have a look at mediabiasfactcheck dot com if you want sources for unbiased news.  (Or if you prefer, biased to you own liking)


All news sources do that to whichever party they represent like cnn will make liberals look better and fox news will try and make republicans look better


Who owns liberal media CNN msnbc ABC NBC cbs!


Because they are in the propaganda business.  They aren't in the news or information business.

They are essentially cheerleaders cheering their team.

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