My husband keeps going through my phone and emails ? What should I do. I told him to stop.?


And gets angry and threatens divorce If I don't let him.


Every couple has its own arrangement, and what works for some won't work for others.  My wife is welcome to go through my phone and any of my emails (except, when I was working, those that were company confidential), and I'm pretty sure I'd be welcome to do the same.  But we're not interested in doing so.

This sounds trite, but the best idea might be for the two of you to go to counseling and work this issue out.


divorce him yourself. get in there first.
it's a gross breach of privacy.
put a lock on your phone, lock up your mail with a strong password and tell him to go copulate with himself.
if he's that insecure that he needs to pry into your private space then the only way he will go from here is checking your underwear etc.
dump the chump before things become nasty.


Women should respect their husband at all times. My wife Camilla allows me to check her email notifications and text messaging.... it is how I caught her talking to a man named 'McDonald'. Sometimes its best, he has his reasons!!!Respect his choices...

-Gary Oldman, PHD in social sciences


There is a difference between keeping secrets, and having a right to personal privacy. In a healthy relationship, trust is essential, along with an understanding that no-one is perfect, everyone has sensitivities that may take time to share and explore as trust develops. For example, it took me years to trust my husband enough to tell him that I had been abused in a previous relationship, and then he told me about how his father and older brother were physically violent towards him.
Anyway, who knows what goes on with your husband! 
He is clearly insecure, and more importantly for you, he is very controlling. This is not good or healthy, and looks like leading into an abusive relationship.
So he threatens divorce? Consider what this would mean for you. What resources do you have, if you decide that your life would be better without him, where could you get advice? Remember that you are not alone, look online for information, support and advice- I don't know your location so hard to link you to something.


What to do? leave phone out so husband can read all he likes. Remember husband is the man you said "I do too", I trust you. Next no secrets in a marriage, let it all hang out.

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