With YA about to close, who did you learn the most from in the Philosophy Section and what did you learn? ?


@ Megalomaniac, you have been here since inception from what I can tell so 13 years of inefficiency? You have taught me to care more about simplicity.   Any regrets—was it time well wasted? 

@Jimmy C, it’s eye opening and scary. Our neighbors.  I agree that this philosophy pocket is more intelligent.  Hopefully people have learned from you.  You seem smart. 

@anonymous—what have you done to change that?  Insults do not work for me in regards to motivation, but I firmly think people can learn.


Favorite Answer

Going back to earlier days there were some brilliant discussions under comments with some very well informed contributors and very different perspectives. The private messages (when they worked) built lasting friendships between people with shared interests and mutual respect outside the Y|A framework which will still continue. 

Not only did they lay the foundations for new interests and ideas but emphasised the fragility and importance of the world which we temporarily inhabit.

Philosophy teaches us the love of wisdom we require to recognise and rise above the uglier aspects of our nature. 

If the true philosophers here have inspired empathy and respect then it has indeed been time well wasted.


peter m2021-04-10T00:54:25Z

I learned a lot from a lot of people Kindred.
I completely satisfied myself that even such answerers like "P"  "
j153e"  "tizzoseddy" et al have NOT LEARNED that Philosophy is
a real & progressive Knowledge SOLVING AREA, AUTONOMOUSLY 
capable of great things just as great as the advances of knowledge 
in Science for example.
And I feel a little sorry for them, although of course Not-too-much !

I have been away for quite awhile as you may now know... I have had
to fight my own personal health battle and did have multiple "close
calls" shall i say. But am feeling better and healthier now whilst
also a little dismayed about this site's closure after so many years
and for me so many many hours and Answers answered and
Questions asked. Together with the more recent jousting so to speak
with your good self ! I was basically too ill to even post on here &
with some more time now to regain my strength perhaps we may meet
again on one of the other sites which others from here will try out.
I do hope so sincerely,

peter m 


From Kindred. That there really are people in the world that are so low in life that they have nothing better to do with their years than laugh and cry over some tiny little corner of the internet called Yahoo Answers philosophy section.


Most of the questions in the Philosophy section have nothing to do with philosophy.  I suppose that one always learns at least something in the process of asking and answering questions but it has been disappointingly inefficient.

Update: Yeah, I've been doing this for a while.  Like I said one always learns something but as I implied there are more efficient ways of learning things.  Then again one has to factor in the entertainment value (which, albeit highly variable, does exist) so it isn't a complete waste of time.  It's just not the best way to learn stuff.  There's a lot of deliberate misinformation, trolling, and gaming that happens on this site so it takes quite a lot of previous education to sort through all the BS.  So stay in school kids, this site, and presumably others like it, is no substitution for a real education, even though it can be fun at times.

P.S. - Thanks for saying I taught you something.  That's something I suppose.  If you, or anyone else, wants to continue a discussion, please feel free to email me (talktocolin@yahoo.ca).  I think Yahoo mail is still working, for the time being at least.


To my great dismay I learned that there is a higher percentage of idiots, morons and imbeciles in the world than I previously thought, and a lot of them seem to gravitate here. .

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