what is the real reason for Yahoo Answers being shut down? is it due to agreements with Big Media companies to censor people's opinions?

i even read in today's New York Times article that many feel this way and the article went on to associate Yahoo Answers with Trump supporters and mock the site in general and its users. why?

The First Dragon2021-04-08T22:41:58Z

I do think it's the Big Media Cartel trying to rein in our freedom of speech.
But to associate Y!A with Trump supporters is strange - there are just as many Far Left nuts.  All kinds of nuts, along with regular people.  I'm willing to put up with the nuts in order to have some freedom.  
And then too, maybe there isn't enough profit in Y!A....


American power just AIN'T what it used to be!
Duopoly has seen to that! Since both have bamboozled the masses! For own gain!

No longer can it deliver! Post fall of the Soviet Union, no bogeyman to keep it on its toes!

Just as communism associated with the Soviet Union pooped now its capitalist West's turn!

Hence ignorance needs to be promoted! To cull mass protest, by exposing the truth!

Corruption! Abuse of power! Need all the help they can get!

The sun is setting on the west!

Instability is on the horizon! Vested interests need censorship to retain their power, influence!

Aloha! King Louis!
Czar Nicholas!

Enlightenment quashed!

Absolute power bequeathed from .......tech oligarchs!

corny, but still never was a cornflake girl2021-04-07T19:40:03Z

It's shutting because it's not making money. No one uses it. It's gone


It's due to all the trolls that have taken it over.


I’m more inclined to think it’s because Yahoo! is incompetently run and Answers was born half-assed and deteriorated from there, to the point it’s not worth the electricity to run the servers any more.

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