Is it true all women care about is looks in a relationship so they can show it off on Instagram ?


“I personally go for more attractive men”🤦‍♂️ Well done for confirming it


lol. not really. you just proved that women go for attractive looking men.


there is no point in saying that's 'not the only reason' because that's not what people will see at face value. this is why so many single ugly men like me end up alone.


Favorite Answer

Women who post their body or on how they look on Instagram are trying to seek attention and to show off.  Women care about looks in a relationship because media brainwashed them thus you women go for bad boys who treat you like **** and use you while good looking nice guys get friendzoned who have a great personality or is a good person. 

Emily Rose2021-04-09T16:47:25Z

Not really my fiance looks good and that wasn't the main reason i went for him i went for him because he's funny, he's sweet, and he's a good person. I love spending time with him and there's no one else i wanna be with. I also have been with guys that are the epitome of the "american standard of beauty" blonde hair and blue eyes. But guess what? they both were never as good to me as my fiance is in fact they were the worst people i've ever come across relationship wise and just as people because they were not nice people.


No.  A lot are interested in love or good sex.  You never really know what the intention is though.


I find my boyfriend very attractive and so do a lot of women.  But not all women do.  Looks are subjective and just because you or I find someone good looking, it doesn't mean everyone will feel the same way. 

Alan H2021-04-07T16:04:24Z

Of course not.
Why generalise?

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