I don’t want to grow up, please help?

Ok, so I am 24 years old (male), but I feel, think, and act like a 7 year old child. I play with toys (mostly action figures and plush characters), play in park play areas (when there’s no kids there), watch cartoons (I love cartoons), and cosplay wear costumes. I also have a membership on ABCMouse.com for myself. I love doing these things and don’t want to give up any of it. This may sound strange to you, but I can’t help it, it’s just how my brain works. However, here’s where the problem comes in: I don’t have a job (I never have), and I’m very unwilling to get one, because I don’t want to give up my free time, and I really don’t want to be/feel like an adult. I’m on SSI (I have a disability, but I won’t say what it is). I do my chores, pay bills, and take care of my responsibilities (that’s the only “adult” part of me), but I definitely can’t handle a job, unless it’s running a lemonade stand or mowing people’s lawns (which obviously wouldn’t work well at my age). I need a job with a flexible schedule that isn’t so serious, maybe selling ice cream? (I’d like to drive an ice cream truck, but I don’t have a drivers license.) I don’t mind being jobless, but I really want to travel the world (that has been my dream since childhood), and I can’t afford to do that (which makes me very frustrated). I need to get more money, but I don’t want to get a serious adult job. I don’t have a serious side to me and am unable to be serious when I need to. What should I do?


You're autistic. Get a therapist.