Is my fiancé a pervert?

was already pregnant and engaged but, I found fake emails, fake social media’s, hidden apps with porn and nudes on it. Him being subscribed to multiple onlyfans, paying for porn, looking up escort websites multiple times a day. He has old nudes from girls he’s had sex with from years ago, and probably the worst thing I found was a video of him giving a overweight escort head for “supposedly” $100. He doesn’t give off other pervert vibes, he’ll respect when I say no. He’s never been with younger women. The porn he looks at isn’t about “teens” he just has a “fat fetish” but I’m scared, and the only reason I’m worried is because we’re having a daughter. My father was a pervert when I got older and I don’t want her going through the same thing. I understand I’ll get comments like “leave him” but we’re having a baby, and unfortunately he hid this information (obviously) from me and I barely found out. 

Dr. Stephanie2021-04-07T22:33:47Z

When you consider whether to leave or not, ask yourself, "Is this the role model I want for my child? "Your baby will learn how to behave and what to expect of the world from both of you. This baby deserves better, consider adoption if you decide to continue living with him, and living the life style that caused you to be with him to begin with. 

T J2021-04-07T19:53:50Z

He has a fat fetish, not into children. What did you see? any children?  No.  He is not a pervert.


How very interesting that a person raised by a pervert now decided to have a child with a pervert.  So life has taught you nothing?  You "barely found out."  You apparently have sex with anyone with a penis and then ask questions later?  I think you both are perverts.


Ladies, stop having babies with boyfriends.  As for you, give this baby up for adoption.  No child deserves this and it would be the most mature thing you could do.


if hes a perv i would leave him anyways