How long does it take for the foreskin to die, if blood flow is restricted ?

They just placed the prepex device today so it has restricted blood flow to my foreskkn for around 10 hours. The foreskin is very dark and it’s darker than the rest of my penis. I just realized that I wanna keep my foreskin but I’m not sure if it can be saved if the ring is broken now. Will the blood fill my foreskin again or will it have to be removed?


Whilst the Prepex device may not be the best method of circumcision, you are much better off circumcised than not!


you out of mind


They made me the circumcision when he was a boy, and my penis grew without the foreskin.


Cut the band. It will either fill back with blood and live.
Or you'll catch a case of gangrene and the foreskin will have to come off anyway.


You need to speak to your doctor, the sooner the better.
If you wait too long you'll be past the point of no return, if you aren't already there.