Why doesn't Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg donate hundreds of millions of dollars to North Korea to provide food?

for their starving population?
Odd that Socialist/Communist regimes can afford Nuclear Weapons on the backs of a starving population, EH YAHOO COMRADES?


Doesn't stop them cozying up to China and Iran, huh?


Why did president barack Hussein obama visit Cuba when they are on the list of SANCTIONED countries?


Let's visit Cuba and have Joe Joe do a picture with Che in the background!


Good to see that anonypu**y men are tough guys!
See you on Quora!


Favorite Answer

Because they would be considered traitors.


Tell us, Einstein, how can someone give money to North Korea without the orange shitstain traitor Trump's lover Kim taking it all?


Because the government is corrupt and would spend the money on more nuclear weapons  probably.


One, it's illegal. There are sanctions in place. Two, NK hasn't been communist since 1992 when it abandoned communism as the USSR fell and stopped economically subsidizing NK's communist government, NK's government at that point doing an about-face into its own ultra-rightwing brand of fascism dubbed "jucheism" in which the Kim Dynasty has been deified as a cult of personality whose chief responsibility is to teach the people of NK self-reliance rather than state-dependence, "juche" being the Korean word for self-reliance. 


It's illegal, ever hear of sanctions.

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