Liberals: What forum are you going to after YA gets shut down?

I might use the C-D forum, but that website has too many right-wingers on it. Any recommendations?


City Data forum.


I don't blame you, anonymous. I might be done too.


Good point, Mercuri. I actually thought right-wingers could be reasonable before I visited YA, but seeing their and Trump's insanity has actually shifted my beliefs further left.

Not You2021-04-08T00:07:56Z

I don't know. Every other political forum I know of is very one sided.


Im done. I used this to actually try to get an idea for what the other side believes but they end up being anti-science, fear mongering, gaslighting trolls mostly.  It's rare for any right-winger here to make a valid point.  Just look at how many of them think vaccines are stupid or that Covid is a hoax. How many of them believe there was massive voter fraud. Etc.


The Green Door. 


I'm done, I had my fun with nitwits and trolls