Legal Advice?

Legal Advise

My wife is a Police Officer for Memphis TN, and she recently exchanged words with a Lieutenant (woman) of the Shelby county (jail) while booking someone. She advised me that the Lieutenant started talking to her crazy and disrespectful and she returned the favor and a verbal altercation began. So a few days ago she was advised that she had to cut 8 days without pay due to this incident. So are there any legal solutions to this incident, because she and I feel the process was done unfairly. We already have the Union involved, but we want more opinions on the matter. Serious Answers only please!


Also if this other person was a citizen then what legal actions do I have?


Her actions were inappropriate. The fact that someone else did the same thing just means they are both wrong.  If her actions violated their code of conduct, she is probably out of luck. Remember, there are two sides to the story and you only heard one. The union can certainly argue the punishment was excessive, but that would depend on both sides of the story.  I suspect there is audio and video, I would watch that before I had an opinion on that. 


Rules are rules and neither your wife or the other officer followed them.
Thank GOD that she didn't get fired and move on


If the union won't defend her then she'll probably just have to take the L. 

Med 102021-04-08T01:02:40Z

Surly you have a union. !st step is to go through them.


maybe she should talk to a lawyer about it

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