How exactly is a 140 pound guy like Chauvin supposed to restrain a 6'5 265 pound man like George Floyd?

Especially when the big guy ingested enough pain killers to kill a horse and then meth on top of it


@anonatard- I assume you missed the testimony today which showed he was 140. "Floyd was measured..." When? Where? Regardless does that change anything? We both agree Floyd was a lot bigger than Chauvin. Floyd was eventually handcuffed, true. But it took four officers to do it and even so that doesn't incapacitate him. A guy that big and strong is still a threat. "a one ounce bullet..." irrelevant. nobody shot a gun. 


Maybe ask the other three cops who were with him to help out instead of trying to showboat for the rookies. 


Sam here is an article a old one but it goes into detail as why police don't use 
tasers and I'm sure regulation limits where police can use pepper spray.


1- Chauvin is 159 lb; he is heavier still with the uniform and belt on
2- Floyd was measured at 6'4" and 223 lb
3- Floyd was handcuffed
4- a one ounce bullet can kill an elephant, it is a matter of where it hits
5- you, yourself, are at least 2000 lb of concentrated manure


Chauvin used his gun, and then his handcuffs, and then his knee for over 9 minutes.  And during that 9 minutes he caused the death of Chauvin because after fully restraining him, Chauvin kept Floyd in a dangerous position against all reason.


Taser, pepper spray, shoot the legs.