Will the GOP survive having Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene as the faces of the party?


They've survived a lot of other crooks and kooks.


They weren’t going to survive anyway. A few extra ‘nails’ in the coffin will just make their demise all the more rapid. They have nothing to offer the majority of Americans anymore and they know it. Minorities and the economically struggling of ALL races would only be committing suicide by supporting this party of minority genocide, racism and oppression of the economic underclasses.  Even those who are now growing up in formerly racist areas of the country won’t be as racist as their parents and grandparents were, nor will their children and grandchildren..  And future generations will likely struggle more economically than previous generations did. So the Republican party will have absolutely nothing to offer them. And the Republicans know all of this, which is why they’re getting so desperate with all this ‘stolen election’ bullsh*t/overtaking the Capitol/threatening lives of prominent Democratic Congress members, and trying to restrict voting in various states across the country now.


And they know that right after we take their guns away, we’ll be coming for their golf courses. And that, my friends, will be their Waterloo. 

“Bill Foster : FINE! What the hell are you trying to do? Kill me with a golf ball? It's not enough you got all these beautiful acres fenced in for your little game, but you gotta kill me with a golf ball? You should have children playing here! You should have families having picnics, you should have a goddamn petting zoo! Instead you've got these stupid electric carts for you old men with nothing better to do!”

(“Falling Down” - 1993) 


Republicans are desperately trying to suppress voting in democrat leaning areas because they know it’s the only way they can hold power while representing a dwindling following. MTG and Gaetz represent areas of America who have been duped by Trump and his minions. Both were elected in “safe” conservative areas where they obviously don’t vet their candidates and party-vote blindly. Maybe the GOP will wake up and instead vote for reasonable candidates with integrity. Of course that means the Republican leadership has to lead . . . Might also be the problem. Very few are willing to buck McConnell. Right now all they seem to want to do is attack Biden and get nothing done for America.


Let's hope they keep choosing geniuses like Gaetz and MTG as their spokespeople, they will self-implode.  After that, America might start being great again.

Felonious Monkey2021-04-08T22:45:53Z

The GOP is a party in decline. Eventually they'll have to change their policies and be more inclusive.

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