All these assumptions smearing Matt Gaetz and not a hint of evidence. Anyone surprised?


The story about Gaetz is out,, but the FBI is keeping the investigation "close to the vest". So don't get too cocky.

Jeff S2021-04-08T19:23:58Z

Only people who have seen the evidence are bound by DOJ ethics not to reveal the evidence except in a court of law!

Texas Joe2021-04-08T19:00:05Z

“I am sure Matt Gaetz is not feeling very comfortable today,” - attorney for Gaetz associate Joel Greenberg on whether Congressman has anything to worry about now that his friend & associate is likely to plea.

Mao Bidden2021-04-08T18:59:35Z

In the absence of any charges all there is is idle speculation and leftist morons have that in spades.  LOL
LOL @ visual evidence that Hunter is a pedo being ignored by the left.

8 Plus 1 Finger2021-04-08T18:57:19Z

Liberals are desperate.

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