Do you think Derek Chauvin should have taken a plea deal and avoided the media circus regarding his actions?


proving intent would be impossible , his only intent was to restrain that violent thug so he couldn't harm him or his fellow officers


I think it would've been smart of him to do that but Chauvin is hoping that Trump becomes President in 2024 so that he can get a pardon. 


The Sixth Amendment grants the right to a trial. If there is a circus, blame the media and not Chauvin. 


Chauvin should be held accountable for many things, but the media circus created lays entirely at the feet of the pop-media and the ones who profit from anger, division and stridency....

How different might things have been if, on the day dozens of police organizations from around the country denounced Chauvin's actions, that was the lead story on outlets like CNN instead of non-stop "discussions" on "racist police," "police brutality," and "the long history of police misconduct  with black suspects?"

How might things have been different if the mayors of Los Angeles and NYC said something like "Clearly there's still work to be done, but I am proud of my city's officers and the progress we've all made together to prevent those kinds of incidents here".... instead of calling for police to stop being "killers" (LA Mayor Eric Garcetti) or apologizing for "the long history of police brutality against blacks" (NYC Mayor Bill DeBlasio)...?

Prosecutors wanted a murder conviction for political gain..... what's worse is that when they fail in court because the facts don't back them up, they'll likely blame "the system" to score even more political points...

Uncle Pennybags2021-04-08T22:39:39Z


Chauvin is going to be acquitted of the most serious charges at least, and maybe completely.

The defense has done a marvelous job of cross-examining the prosecution's witnesses to help Chauvin's defense.  The state's use of force experts have admitted that what Chauvin did was reasonable under the circumstances and that they had done things similarly in the past. 

Not only that, they've shown that still frame photos from one of the officer's body cams show Chauvin's knee wasn't on Floyd's neck, but his shoulder blade, for at least part of the time.

And mind you the Defense hasn't even started presenting its defense yet!

I suggest you prepare for widespread BLM rioting soon after Chauvin is acquitted.

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