Do Police have authority to become judge, jury and executioner of someone suspected of being under the influence of drugs?

handcuffed from behind, gut on the pavement and three cops kneeling on the breathless suspect?  


@u.bin..  let's assume he was guilty.  It was a ticket  offense.  He should've never been arrested, except that the cops had their prejudices. 


I could have a fake twenty in my wallet and not know it.  I don't examine every twenty I spend.  They decided on the spot that he was guilty.  Most likely because of the color of his skin. 

ANDRE L2021-04-08T23:21:32Z

Favorite Answer


Only Nazi KKKops feel that they have such a power.


no one else in this increasingly third world country is doing anything about crime drugs or gangs and when the cops do get someone to court an army of publicly funded defenders try to get them back on the streets and the judges all help them, so one less violent hoodlum is not worth worrying about , given the death rate in the black community 20000 shot dead already this year is is clearly hypocritical to single out one cop trying to do his job or are the black americans saying WE are the only ones that are allowed to kill other blacks?


Nope...but guess what... they're responsible for public safety and that trumps the safety of the suspect once that suspect makes himself a threat to himself and others...which is exactly what Floyd became once he struggled his way out of a police vehicle and resisted the efforts of officers to surrender peacefully...

Does that excuse excessive force?  No, of course not.  But please understand how the need for added drama played a much bigger role in the nationwide riots than the officer's actions themselves...


That depends... is it a black guy?


In a first world country?  Only in America.

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