Thanks to lax Republican gun laws, mass shootings are back in action as the country opens back up. Thoughts?

Cons who say it isn’t the ocean of guns in the country, but rather it’s a “mental health issue” — while completely ignoring the fact mental health issues exist in every country, yet no other first world country has the rate of gun violence the US does.


Guns are nothing but inanimate objects that can't hurt anyone, just like drugs. Neither should be regulated by the government.


They actually never ended.  In fact, according to gunviolencearchive, the number of mass shootings actually peaked under Trump.  You're exactly correct; the carnage in our nation is 110% due to Republicons.


If your think the issue is guns then you might be retarded. 

Here is a test though if you really think guns are violent. Take a gun and put it on your table and wait until it shoots someone. If you get bored of waiting just keep in mind that it might take the rest of your life. Sometimes guns are slackers. 

And btw, countries haven't been categorized as first world and third world for decades. You can stop living in the past whenever you want. 


Thanks to democrats, 90% of all mass shootings in the US are committed by registered democrats.   

You're like a pedophile accusing Republicans of not creating enough laws to stop you from trying to have sex with children.