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    Does the FBI take any reports of an suicidal or an homicidal person seriously?

    So I have bipolar and schizophrenia and I posted a rant earlier talking about I became suicidal and homicidal. I was being treated poorly by my friends and so I posted online threatening to kill them at a mall. Someone said that they reported me to the FBI and said that they've reported all of my previous rants to the FBI as well. I'm mentally ill and I'm not a danger to anyone, I just have episodes where I fly off the handle. Would the FBI take their reports seriously ???

    5 Answers12 months ago
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    Why would my coworker not say happy birthday to me?

    My 23rd birthday was a few days ago. I planned two days off work and went on a short trip with my cousins for those two days, which was nice. My birthday was on the second day. Several of my coworkers sent me birthday messages, and they must’ve seen it was my birthday through Facebook. I went to work the next day and all my coworkers (except one) asked how my birthday was. Yet, one of my male coworkers (who also knew it was my birthday as he’s on my Facebook), did not even mention it or ask about it, even after hearing the others talk about it. I found it quite odd that he didn’t say anything, as we’re good workmates and have worked together for two years. Would you find this a bit rude? I don’t know why, but I found it weird. Because if it was his birthday, I would wish him a happy day or at least ask him about it.

    25 Answers2 years ago