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Anonymous asked in Dining OutVietnamDa Nang · 2 years ago

Why would my coworker not say happy birthday to me?

My 23rd birthday was a few days ago. I planned two days off work and went on a short trip with my cousins for those two days, which was nice. My birthday was on the second day. Several of my coworkers sent me birthday messages, and they must’ve seen it was my birthday through Facebook. I went to work the next day and all my coworkers (except one) asked how my birthday was. Yet, one of my male coworkers (who also knew it was my birthday as he’s on my Facebook), did not even mention it or ask about it, even after hearing the others talk about it. I found it quite odd that he didn’t say anything, as we’re good workmates and have worked together for two years. Would you find this a bit rude? I don’t know why, but I found it weird. Because if it was his birthday, I would wish him a happy day or at least ask him about it.

32 Answers

  • 2 years ago

    Maybe it wasn't a good day for him. Or he was actually working.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    2 years ago

    Grow up, its a birthday. So what.

  • 2 years ago

    They might be a Jehovah’s Witness.

  • 2 years ago

    It might be a little rude or odd

    But what if he had a private reason or a family member died on your birthday so it's hard for him to talk about it. Or if he is single, maybe he likes you and his way of stopping the feeling for him is by pretending your not there.

    You should be respectful of his decision to ignore you.

  • 2 years ago

    Yeah some people just don't do birthdays. I know it hurts, but I wouldn't take it to heart

  • 2 years ago

    Cinco de Mayonnaise is a bigger celebration.

  • 2 years ago

    your co workers owe you cooperation in the gig,perfunctory politeness

    and not much more

    you got a few nice wishes,,you ought to be a happy camper if 2 of them turn into friends

    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    Some people just don't "do" birthdays. Often based, in part, on how they were raised. I have a friend, who is 73, who expects to be queen for a day on her birthday, I couldn't care less.

  • 2 years ago

    Real adults feel silly wishing Happy Birthday to other adults. That is kid stuff.

  • 2 years ago

    Being on Facebook DOES NOT mean he knows it is your birthday. He may not have his account set up to alert him of ANYTHING. In fact, I don't have mime set up to tell me if someone sends me a friend request.

    For all I know, he checks Facebook once a week, or less.

    Based on the attitude of your question, he probably had GOOD reason to believe you would be offended no matter what he did, or didn't do.

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