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Tattoos and the Bible?

Ok, I know this question may sound stupid to some, but it's something I would really like to know. I'm a Christian, but I'd really love to get a tattoo. I know that may sound like an oxymoron to most of you, but I was just curious if the Bible really does say to not get tattoos?...In my King James version in Leviticus 19:28 it reads "Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you". So does this cut out tattoos completely, or is this not even talking about tattoos, & people just have it misunderstood?..could someone please explain...I just recently got saved, & don't really understand everything in the Bible too well...

9 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    It is my belief, that the bible, clearly states, NOT to tattoo your body.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Well, I think this probably was refering to tattoos. But it may have been taken out of context. People don't realize that many verses in the Bible have totally different meanings when taken with the rest of the book. What do the verses around it say? How about other verses in the Bible? Another thing to consider is where it is in the Bible. The old testiment was written mainly for the Jewish people, because God wanted them to be different from other people and religions. Not all of the things in the old testiment apply to us today. For instance, the Jews were not allowed to eat certain foods, but Paul says in the new testiment that they are ok now. The Jews also had to make many sacrifices and other rituals, but they don't always have to allpy to us because of Jesus. It is possible that this verse was meant to apply to the Jews. Although it is also possible that it still applies. I don't know the answer to your question, but maybe it will help with your search if you keep these things in mind. Hope that helps at least a little. Good luck.

  • 2 decades ago

    Catholics can get tatto's but check with your priest/minister. We (Catholic priest & class)had a fun informal discussion about this recently. If you're not Catholic, their may be different rules.

    Basically, when the Jew's left Egypt, God needed to purify the Jew's. To do this he asked that the Jew's protest and abstain from what the Egyptians did. The Egyptians worshiped cows, so we (jew's) eat them, egyptians had tatoos causing jews to keep their skin clean.

    Jesus came along. He picked sinners to spread his word. Jesus even bent jewish rules while he was alive (gather food on a Saboth). He then gave the keys of the kingdom to Peter. While Peter marketed Christianity he received the Holy Spirit, and made changes to the Jewish laws; one of the biggest was the exception to the circum cission rule. These changes are in Acts. When Peter died, a pope was passed the keys to the kingdom of heaven, so the Pope has the ability to receive the Holy Spirit (as we all do) and make Ecummenical Councils (gather of Bishops who decide significant issues . . .which we belive is guided by the Holy Spirit).

    I'd never get one, but to each her own. . . however, a dove would be cool. Make sure you get "Num-Num" cream if you decide to get one.

  • 2 decades ago

    Listen dude I'm a fellow fallower of Jesus and I to want to get a tatoo now what I think that maybe if you get a relious tatoo it would show your love of God

    good luck in your searchy to find God the almighty

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  • 2 decades ago

    I do believe it is obvious they they ar referring to tattoos. I do not believe in that kind of stuff though.

    Here is a link that tries to justify tattooing and christianity.

    So hopefully it will allow you to justify your life within the teachings of the bible; something "christians" and all religiouis people are famous for doing.

  • 2 decades ago

    I think theyre reffering to tatoos already, but i think that the text is being misunderstood.

    I believe theyre talking more about the souls... the eternal body.

  • 2 decades ago

    First...get a version of the Bible that's more readable....second....tatooo away!!!!....third....the Bible can say whatever you want it to when taken out of context!

  • 2 decades ago

    It just matters how you think and interpet your belifes. I dont, but that does not mean you shouldnt. Will you go to hell, I dont know thats between you and you personall savior.

  • 2 decades ago

    i dont think u should.

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