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mtpizzo asked in Politics & GovernmentMilitary · 2 decades ago

Why would anyone join the military today?

Why would anyone join the United States military right now? In times of peace, I can easily understand why some less fortunate men and women would choose the military as an easy way to get an education and gain invaluable experience. But, times have changed.

Joining the army today means near definite deployment in Iraq. This is paramount to suicide. If a person is desperate to make a salary and is willing to go to Iraq, wouldn’t a better (and higher choice) be to work for a private contractor in Iraq?

I just can not imagine volunteering to work in such a dangerous place when there are much better opportunities for employment here in the United States.

14 Answers

  • Amy Y
    Lv 6
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    The military is not an institution made for the purpose of allowing the "less fortunate" gain an education.

    The brave men and women that are joining right now are not doing it for the free education, or to make a lot of money. They are joining the military to protect and serve their country. You are exactly right when you say that they know full well that there is a good chance that they could be sent to Iraq. They know this and they are signing up anyway, because they believe in what we are doing, and that it is right.

    It is easy to see by the wording of your question, that you just don't get it.

  • 2 decades ago

    Excuse me mr whoever the hell you are. Some of us do need the money and why the hell go to Iraq for a private contractor when you can go over and actually do some good?! IE, as in my job, EOD (Explosives Ordenance Disposal, It is my job to blow up car bombs, or defuse them if possible and take out any and all suicide bombers we possibly can. Most of the military enlistees or enlisted are in the military BECAUSE THEY LOVE AND WANT TO DEFEND THEIR COUNTRY AND SPREAD DEMOCRACY! They are BRAVE a word you probably dont know the meaning of. They KNOW they are headed into a warzone and that it might be the last place they ever see! But, in truth, thjey are safer thewre they they ever were as a civilian here! There have been escalated murders in the US and our soldiers are trained to defend themselves in ANY situation! Now I don't care if you disagree with me or not but those 'Less Fortunates' you were talking about? They went into the military to gain respect and Honor! NOT A FRIGGEN SALARY! So shove it and go live somewhere else if you dont like it! Better yet.... tell your little.... I dont know what to call it.... to an Army Navy Airforce or Marine Drill Sargent! Maybe they will kick some damned sense into you! Thank you very much!

    EOD Specialist PV2 William Joseph Henderson.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I am going to join the Army...

    I don't like having to resist friends, family, and complete strangers about my choice to do so. Whenever someone learns about my future plans they question me as though I am an idiot or as though I have no idea what I am getting myself into.

    I think a lot of Americans are selfish in the way they see soldiers. If they do not want to serve that is fine and they can enjoy the lifestyle and freedom that is afforded by others. What bothers me is when those same people criticize me for joining.

    I do not agree with the decision to go to war with Iraq but I do agree with the decision to go war with Afghanistan and terrorism. However, the current wars have nothing to do with my decision to serve.

    The country will always need some type of defence against the threats which it is bound to face. I am joining the military because I want to be a part of that defence. Some day the war in Iraq will be over and the Military will be needed again to fight for the America whether or not the war is in popular opinion.

  • 2 decades ago

    I take great pride in the fact that I joined the military after 9/11 to support this county. All of my family members have at one point in time joined the military because if we don’t do it who will be there to defend us when we need it. I believe that the statement you made “I can easily understand why some less fortunate men and women would choose the military as an easy way to get an education and gain invaluable experience” None of the people that I know joined because they are less fortunate educational reasons. My families average income prior to joining the military is well above $75,000.00. Believe it or not some people are still patriotic and believe in defending the freedoms that you enjoy.

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  • 2 decades ago

    Many of the others have already pointed out a number of reasons why it makes sense (WTG JetDoc, Sleit, and others) so I won't dwell on that.

    I will say that your implication (that only the less fortunate people serve in order to make a wage) is insulting for those of us who served because we cherish values we feel are worth defending.

    "In times of peace, I can easily understand why some less fortunate men and women would choose the military as an easy way to get an education and gain invaluable experience." If someone did volunteer in peace-time strictly to get the benefits, they still need to be prepared to live up to their part of the obligation. There are some fair-weather sailors out there that complain loudly when asked to do job; these create the impression that the military-at-large is protesting and that's not the case.

    Source(s): 13 years of military service
  • 2 decades ago

    Most people who join the military don't do so just for the money, and there are not just uneducated people in the military. There are a lot of people who had an education before they joined, or are taking courses while they serve.

    Anyone who joins the military, whether in time of peace or war, knows there is always a chance of getting deployed. We accept that with honor. Anyone who joins during peacetime for the nice benefits but runs to get out as soon as there is talk of a war is a coward. The military is not for everyone, and it is clear that it is not for you, so you better shut up and let us do our job and hope there isn't a draft!

    Source(s): OIF II Veteran
  • One
    Lv 6
    2 decades ago

    You would join the military because that is a choice that you make. People join for many reasons. People join because they want to prove something, lost the love of their life, because their best friend is joing, job opportunity, college fund, signing bonus, starting over and many more reasons.

    "Paramount to suicide" is a misconception. We lose 35,000 Americans a year by car accidents alone. Death is part of life. Some of us are willing to fight for our country. It is not about money. If it was more would be in the private sector and not the military.

    Believing in your country is like believing in your family. It may be a good decision or a bad one, but you should support your troops.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 decades ago

    You're right. There are much better places to live and work here in the United states than there are in Iraq. And you'd damn well better thank a Soldier, Sailor, Airman or Marine for making sure it stays that way!

    If it weren't for the hundreds of thousands of men and women who have given their service and their lives to our country over the last two hundred and fifty years, we might just be living in the same conditions you find in Iraq today.

    Wouldn't it be a better (and higher choice) for you to do your part to help defend this country than to worry about stuffing a few more dollars in your wallet?

    Source(s): 21 years US Air Force service, including two combat tours in VietNam.
  • 2 decades ago

    I'm not convinced that "bravery" is in the mix every time a person enlists. I'll bet some simply could not find a job anywhere else, and the benefit package thumped by recruiters can seem enticing.

    Am I grateful that we (the USA) have an effective military? Of course. Am I proud of everything it has, or its enlistees have, done. Of course not. Do I owe anyone in the military any great level of respect? Maybe.

    Each enlistee joins voluntarily, and gets paid, with benefits, so I expect him / her to do his / her job just as I expect doctors, janitors, teachers, bankers, etc to do theirs. No special "respect" is deserved for that.

    Military organizations seem to be the fastest way to move a LOT of men and women to a single place to tend to whatever the task of concern in a most organized way. I can applaud this. However, I'm not always pleased with the task of concern, and I am not always pleased with it's witch hunting, bigotry, injustice, and harrassments within.

  • 2 decades ago

    I might consider the US Marines, because they are an elite fighting force, and they teach core leadership and camaraderie values.

    The armed forces are not just a way for moneymaking. It's a way to serve your country when your country is in need. It's a way to protect Americans, and is an ultimate statement of patriotism- that you are willing to lay your life on the line for the nation.

    The ROTC programs can pay for college, and the armed forces teach leadership better than any business school.

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