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Since we are all from Adam and Eve shouldn't we look similar?

Why does everyone look so different with different color of skin, with such different faces. I'm glad we are like that cause it would be really boring if we were'nt different but where did it all start. (And I already know about the different languages just in case you were thinking of adding it!) Thanks!

25 Answers

  • Go16
    Lv 4
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    We do. Two arms, two legs, a get the idea. Of course we are all slightly different, but what's wrong with God wanting to create a little variety?

  • BJ
    Lv 7
    2 decades ago

    Do not understand Schneb answer, does he mean that human beings today do not look like the first human beings? Did Noah as a human being look in different than we do today? Only 1500 or so years had pasted from Adam to the flood.

    Gen. 10:1-32. The two records of genealogy surrounding the account of the Flood—chapters 5 and 10—connect the entire human race with the first man, Adam, through Noah’s three sons. Assyrians, Chaldeans, Hebrews, Syrians, and some Arabian tribes, are descendants of Shem. Ethiopians, Egyptians, Canaanites, and some African and Arabian tribes descended from Ham. Indo-Europeans are descendants of Japheth. All humans are related, and all are born equal before God.

    Did these people look any different than people in these countries today?

    Of course not, the only difference you could say, would be the type of homes then, clothing, food, hey, they had no TV, cell phones, etc.

  • 2 decades ago

    According to Darwin's laws, when two animals of the same species are seperated and can no longer reproduce with one another, over time they begin to differ to make better their survival in their new niche.

    This is especially true with humans. After spreading out from our original area, we bagan to look different (physical features and color) to make best of our niches.

    But, if you're getting this from the Catholic bible, it is used as a metaphor because people back then could not understand such a difficult explanation of creation. That is why there are two stories of creation. E-mail me if you want more info on this.

  • 2 decades ago

    God created all the races on the sixth day gen 1:26

    on the seventh day God blessed all his work and rested gen 2:3

    then God realized that he had no man to till the ground gen 2:5

    hear we go!

    read gen 2:7 to 2:23 this is the eighth day

    now after cain killed abel God kicked cain out of the garden and he went east to the land of nod and there he found a wife gen 4:16

    so cains wife was sixth day creation and cain was eighth day creation i hope this helps you on how the races got here !!

    and since christ would come from Eves blood line she would be the mother of all living though christ we all have everlasting life.

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  • 2 decades ago

    in truth we are all identical in the eyes of the devine - only the ego-self decerns differences in the divine's creation.

    in fact we are more alike than different - to use sight as a the benchmark for the dicernment of our lives ignores the fact that we speak, hear, feel and percieve the divine creation on many levels. Within our bodies (the micro world)the heart, liver, stomach and so on are physically different but in there divine they are identical in the fact that they are codependant on each other for there survival and health - if the heart decides to judge the liver as different and does not consider its relationship to the whole - a heart attack ensues, causing the whole creation or entity to suffer - realize the greater plan first then dicern the differences as details to its execution.

    Source(s): Buddha
  • 2 decades ago

    Just one example to support those arguing that we adapt to our surroundings and so develop certain traits which help us to survive (survival of the fittest, thank you Darwin)....Africans, South Americans, Indians...all live close to the Equator...where its extremely hot...thus the skin is darkened and helps their bodies cope with the effects of being in the sun. Difference in race...there ya go! *and one more thing...if we all came from Adam and Eve, then we are brothers and then why do we kill certain ones and hate them for differences? How do we decide who is deserving of murder and who is, in fact, different? We cannot judge cuz we are not God. I dont think the bible would support hate, judgement and murder.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    It's been a long time since Adam and Eve. I do not look a thing like my own Grandfather. However, our DNA does trace back to an original mother and father. Doesn't mean I will look anything like them.

  • 2 decades ago

    VERY GOOD!!! Keep asking questions. Don't just blindly accept everything you are taught. There are a LOT of things about religion that don't make sense. Just remember if you were born in India, you would probably believe what is taught there, and the same if you were born in Asia, Africa, (OR ANYWHERE)

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    We were made in God's image.

    That don't mean we look like God.

    After thousands of years the weather can change your skin color, and even squint your eyes over time.

  • 2 decades ago

    well, there is one more problem. we are all also from Noah and his family as well, cos after the flood only his family remained!

    And besides I really don't have an answer to this questions. perhaps the climate changed the way they look. though I don't know for sure!

  • 2 decades ago

    No, because that is how things worked out. We are all humans right down the DNA, their is only species of humans and we just come in many colors.

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