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Does more religious faith lead to less ethical behavior?

Gregory Paul published a study in the Journal of Religion and society that correlates the level of religious beliefs in several countries with social ills, mostly stemming from unethical and immoral behavior. Paul's study finds that

"In general, higher rates of belief in and worship of a creator correlate with higher rates of homicide, juvenile and early adult mortality, STD infection rates, teen pregnancy and abortion in the prosperous democracies"

quoted from the London Times online:,,2-1798944,...

You can see Paul's paper at:

Why do you think this correlation exists?


Actually Jaimito, you are mistaken. I think you should read the paper. The countries analyzed were

A = Australia

C = Canada

D = Denmark

E = Great Britain

F = France

G = Germany

H = Holland

I = Ireland

J = Japan

L = Switzerland

N = Norway

P = Portugal

R = Austria

S = Spain

T = Italy

U = United States

W = Sweden

Z = New Zealand

all of which are dominantly Christian except for Japan. Mormonism is not a huge factor since there are only 11 million Mormons worldwide, which is easily dwarfed by the number Catholics (well over a billion). Christian Science is a tiny factor, since even the US state that has the greatest density of Christian Scientists, Vermont, is only 0.0023% Christian Scientist.

Update 2:

lottyjoy, I suggest you look at the paper. The United States, Italy and Ireland, as well as Portugual, exhibited the greatest religious fervor, and often suffer from the worst social ills. Are these 3 or 4 countries burdened with especially bad education systems?

I suppose it could be argued that the US has a bad education system. However, we probably spend far more per capita on the students in the US system. And one symptom of problems in the US educational system is that we are actually seriously considering teaching supernatural magic as science in our school science classes. Absolutely astounding!

I do not think any of these countries really exhibits a lot of ignorance and illiteracy, except some segments of the US possibly. These countries are all major western, industrialized first world countries.

Update 3:

Here is an interesting quote from a news story:

"Americans believe, 58 percent to 40 percent, that it is necessary to believe in God to be moral. In contrast, other developed countries overwhelmingly believe that it is not necessary. In France, only 13 percent agree with the U.S. view."


6 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'd hesitate to take the results of one study as gospel, but this does help confirm what I've been saying all along.

    Thanks for pointing this out.

  • 2 decades ago

    i think that Religions take their rules and dictate them to everyone who walks through their doors. this makes those who break the rules to feel isolated and bad. they feel that they will never live up to the standards of the Religion and therefore either cast it aside and do whatever they please to rebell against the Reles, or they comit suicide or homicide in order to escape the downcast eyes.

    the diference between the way it IS and the way it SHOULD be is that people should look to the week and give them strength. the people in the church (christianity, anyway) should try to HELP the sick, not look down on them. if you take the rules and stack them up and whoever does not measure up gets cast out, NO ONE should be in the church. NO ONE measures up to the standards of Jesus (the fulfillment of the law) NO ONE can be perfect like him. therefore, we should ALL be downcast. but, if we look at eachother and see it as an opportunity to grow and help others. THAT"S what christianity is all about. LOVING people even though they're not perfect. make them feel accepted with the OFF chance that they may see their weekness and WANT to change for the better. you don't make them feel BAD and hope they change.

  • 2 decades ago

    More research is needed. Is the higher rate of "believers" in a country related to the level of ignorance and illiteracy? Possibly more secular societies have higher rates of educated people who have more information about birth control, STD prevention, etc.

  • 2 decades ago

    No, faith in God means you rely on Him for guidance. God will not lead you to immorality. Your study is on all religions. I would be interested on a study of Christian religions except Mormons and Jehovah Witnesses, who consider themselves to be Christians, but in fact do not believe that Jesus is God, therefore they are not true Christians.

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  • 2 decades ago

    Nice question.

    Remember, Father came as Christ to serve a purpose, with perfect timing. And you know a sick person needs a doctor as does a sinner need The Savior. Try to have patience with them, many are trying to behave but there are some who hate them for it.

    And on top of that Christ specifically said 'I give you power over Satan, in my name, but watch out for men who come in my name saying "I am Christian", some will try to decieve you'.(para-phrased)

    Source(s): bible, original manuscripts, Strong's Concordance, Shepherds
  • 2 decades ago


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