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Should the US drop nuclear weapons on all countries that permit abortion?

Would you support not only a strict ban on abortion in the US, but the use of US military power, including nuclear weapons, to force all other countries to ban abortion or suffer the consequences?


Actually I am playing devil's advocate here, and taking some fundamentalist Christian arguments to their illogical extreme.

I COMPLETELY disagree with this approach. I think it completely immoral. But when I listen to Christian fundamentalists (God hates f*gs etc), this is not so far from their approach.

Update 2:

)o( Sunshine... very insightful. I do think it is interesting how subtleties of argument are not noticed, even when I pointed out that I was not serious.

26 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer


  • 2 decades ago

    NO! That's an awful idea! Nuclear weapons are very very destructive, and I don't agree with them at all. In my opinion, all the countries with nuclear weapons or materials to make them should get rid of all of them. Every country has a right to their own descisions, even if we find them immoral. I think the US needs to mind their own business. I am a US citzen, by the way,and not some random person from another country. I don't fully agree with abortion, but I see a helpful side to it. Of someone was raped, they really wouldnt want to have a complete stranger's baby. I think that in that case, it would be acceptable to get an abortion. However, in other cases, I do not agree with abortion.

  • Reveal
    Lv 4
    2 decades ago

    No the thing is Abortion like illegal drug if you out law it do think really it will stop. Don't think so. I believe the should be better program to help them understand what there doing. Honisty you would find a great number of people that fill dad about that could tell there story. Not to many that would say I don't regret doing it. If Ask thenm agin latter in life bet they would change there mind.

  • 2 decades ago

    How can this question be taken seriously? As a born-again Christian, I abhor abortion. But dropping Nukes, come on get real, that is genocide beyond the like of Hitler, Mao, Stalin and Saddam combined. I suppose you would think it was ok to kill a DR who performed abortions... if so you don't get it. It is ok to hate abortion, to work to change peoples hearts, minds, the laws that allow it, but murder does not condone murder. We should never think that we have the power to be Judge, Jury, and executioner. Let Judgement rest with our Lord

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  • 2 decades ago

    What in the hell are you thinking?! Why would you want to killing millions of people just because they allow abortion?

    why right do you (or anyone else for that matter) have to tell people what they should and shouldn't do? isn't this AMERICA?! a place where people are FREE to make their own choices without having someone forcing a BELIEVE down their throat?

    It's close minded people like yourself that are causeing the problems of today. Can't take into account anyone

    elses believes.. because you are 'perfect'.

    You are not God.. Get over yourself.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    As a christian what are you doing judging the world ?? that is Gods place only.Also as a christian you are allowed to judge in the church only and then it must be with rightous judgement.

    Now I will play devils advocate. Why do you cringe at abortion the child is innocent and will get a free ticket to heaven . the muderers will go to hell unless forgiven. sorta ironic justice for the baby Huh?? on one hand he gets his due justice for seeing his murderer burn in hell or is reconciled through Jesus to a forgiven child of God. Either way this baby is going to be happy and SAVED while the rest of us run around judging the world and risking our own souls.

    Source(s): Minister of the Gospel
  • indigo
    Lv 4
    2 decades ago

    No Its a womans right to choose. If we stop abortion all together who will be supporting all the unwanted children. People dont want to pay for welfare tax but they want to force a woman to have a child. Does not make sense to me. If a man gave birth to a baby just once I bet things would be a little different . Pro Choice - Death Penalty - Spay or Neuter your pets- What gives us the right to do anything. See, your questions have now made me a looney!

  • 2 decades ago

    I would certainly support a ban on abortion in the US, and encourage all possible diplomatic pressure on other countries to ban abortion as well.

    But first things first - Abortion is still legal in the US, so THAT is the first thing to deal with.

    I don't think a country that has allowed abortion as long as the US has allowed it has any business casting stones though.

  • 2 decades ago

    First, while Christian (and all other) fundamentalists are seriously deranged and irrational, I would be hard pressed to believe than any significant number of them would actually support something so ridiculously preposterous. And if they actually do, then let me lay my head down and cry at the insanity that exists within this world.

  • kolpo
    Lv 4
    2 decades ago

    Well, if that is so, then let the US drop nuclear weapons to the US itself! There are abortions in the US! And worse, they are even legal! They shout about animal rights! How about rights of the unborn!

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Oh brother. Some of then answers were just amazing. Amazing in 2 senses. Amazing that the Fundies saw your point and equally amazing that the point went over the others's heads.

    What do you want to bet that the same people who say that dropping that bomb is wrong support the men who kill abortion doctors to plead to keep them out of jail because it was justifiable homicide?

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