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Are Christians (particularly fundamentalists) persecuted in the US?

I have heard this repeatedly recently. The complaints seem to have become more numerous even as the fundamentalists have grown in power and influence.

Are they persecuted?

Why are they persecuted, or why do they think they are?


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13 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    People have strange views about being persecuted. For the most part, no they aren't in the sense of persecution in the past. But to some saying we don't agree with them is persecution or that we take exception to what they said is persecution. They think because certain things aren't allowed any more (IE prayer in school, religion in government, etc.) they are persecuted. Nope, that is equality. Meant to level out the playing field for all of us.

    Just as an observation, a chunk of those that are always going on about being persecuted are the first one to turn around and slam a religion that they don't agree with, telling them they are wrong, going to hell, worshipping the devil, etc. We are suppose to accept theirs as 'right' but they won't respect someone elses.

    If you want persecuated in the US become Wiccan then you will find out the meaning of persecuted! Generally you don't have picketters outside your churches, don't have people screaming that you are satan worshippers or are sacrificing children to whatever, etc. Wiccans have that problem on a regular basis! Where I live we literally had to get a court order to keep some people away! THAT is persecution!

  • OPM
    Lv 7
    2 decades ago

    No, they are not persecuted, but I do believe they trigger adverse reactions unnecessarily. Once upon a very long time ago, before becoming Catholic, I was briefly a fundamentalist. The problem I had was there was no depth to it so I read the reformers, particularly Luther. It was Luther's writings that lead me to the Catholic Church. I think he would have been glad of that too. His anger of course was from the abuses. They are now gone. His dying prayer he mandated Lutherans pray was for reunion. In any case, that was two decades ago. The fundamentalists I was with, I believe, felt that no one understood them or accepted them, but saw that non-acceptance as evidence they were right. Perceived persecution really was seen as evidence that the "world" was against them and hence Satan, while they were on God's side. If they could just change everone else, then the Kingdom could come.

    I would say persecution of fundamentalists is much like the persecution of a guy I saw on American Idol. His behavior was purposefully challenging. He was looking to be rejected so he could say they rejected him because of his orientation. It wasn't that, it was that he was obnoxious and the whole point of entertainment, comedy excepted, is to be enjoyable to your audience. Fundamentalists and other similar groups miss the dynamic they create that triggers their rejection by others and see it as the fault of the other party.

    In one sense, it is the fault of both parties, in that such rejections really require the other side to push someone away. On the other hand, people don't seek out annoyance and often do not have time in their life to deal with it.

    I think Fundamentalists often act out but do not think of their behavior as acting out behavior. I remember a case on a campus of a minister who would come once a year to street preach. He was unbelievably annoying. His message was distorted, he was rude and interfered with everyday activity. He was trying to trigger arguments and he got them. In his mind, he left the winner. I suspect some people became athiests because of him and others were just embarrased by him. He wasn't persecuted, he was acting out.

    I do believe that fundamentalists actually have the reverse of persecution occuring. Where I live, a number of extremist communities live and they tend to hire one another limiting access to non-fundamentalists.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Generally Christians are free from persecution in the US. The exception to this are Christians from countries that are Islamic who are, at times, persecuted by Islamics. For example, Hossam Armanious and his family left Egypt (a place where Christians have been crucified (nailed to their front doors) in the late 1990's and they came to America to escape the persecution.

    However when he was denouncing Islam on, he began receiving death threats from the Islamics. Over a year ago he and his family were found slaughtered in their New Jersey home. Their young daughter had a cross slashed into her wrist, showing contempt for the religion of their enemies.

    The local police, trying to be politically correct, have framed 2 drug dealers for the crime.

    Source(s): and Eschatology Journal
  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I have experienced is not open, as in physical torture....but it can be mental or financial....I have been openly insulted and ridiculed on my job, mistreated, kept from promotions, falsely accused, threatened, slandered, put into isolation because I was hated and no one wanted me around, criticised in writing (for my personnel file) for being so selfish as to want a religious holiday off that I was considered "not serious enough about my job," and forced to work in a closet for 6 months, with them hoping that would depress me so much that I would quit...when I complained I was verbally threatened and almost physically asaulted...I ran out of the room to get away....I endured with God's help, and the personnel system helped me to escape this workplace and get relocated. However, I went through this for 2 years before there was help...since everyone hated me, I could not get a job reference to go elsewhere..I was basically "stuck." I am OK now....and doing better...

    ***next day note- I was not proselitizing...I just asked for a day off....What Aron does not understand was that it was a jewish holiday (Yom Kippur)....the people were anitsemitic....I am Christian by faith but my roots are jewish....It should not be relevant which religious holiday it was. The day off was originally preapproved until someone secretly complained behind my back...

    **My work perfromance has always been rated as excellent...both before and after the incident.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    what a sturdy question. I enjoyed each and all the information you gave too, and sure I observed courageous coronary heart, and that i substitute into sickened that those jerk offs had to come again and thieve the newly internet spouse, how ungodly and depraved. i understand that catholics in conflict, have by no skill executed such issues. And who's the dionasaur who talked approximately how the catholics did no longer help the jews in the process the holocaust? study in history what the pope did at that factor while the the remainder of them only became their backs. you continuously have catholic heros interior the situations alongside with those. Very uncommon on the different area.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    How?! They're the ones wanting to make the US a Christian country. They're the ones knocking at my door trying to convert me. They're the ones telling me I'll go to hell if I don't "believe."

    A few people in all religions are persecuted, but as a whole, I don't see it for fundamentalists in the US. Maybe you could provide more information as to why you asked the question.

  • 2 decades ago

    Yes I think we are. They say we have freedom of religion but won't let us pray in school.

    They say we have freedom of speech and we aren't allowed to speek to God openly for fear of being "wierd".

    Persecution comes in many forms don't ya think?

    Judgement of people even fellow believers judge who you are by your religion or beliefs.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    They are not technically persecuted, but no-one really likes them all that much.

  • 2 decades ago

    well maryanne, Im sure you irritated the hell out of people at your work about your religion and what you believe. God knows you and others are doing it here. YOure supposed to do your work, not alienate people with your prostelytizing, telling them they are going to hell and that their belief system is wrong and being a missionary at work is not the time or the pace. Save that doggerel for other people in your flock that subscribe to it. Did you at least try to change your behaviour at work? Its up to you to make a change, and flow with the river rather than go against it. Why should everyone at your work change, just to suit you? Personally, if you started spouting rhetoric at my place of business, Id simply fire you and suggest you go to work in a church where you would be free to espouse whatever belief you wanted to. The rest of us dont care to be subjected to it. Sorry, but Im a little tired now, and still a bit angry over some of what Ive read earlier. I didnt mean to be so harsh.

    UPDATE: Sal, Im a Jew. Dont even start with me on the whole prejudice/persecution thing, K? YOu xtians killed and persecuted my people in the crusades and the inquistion in ther name of someone who preached tolerance and love. So forgive me if I see you all as little more than hypocrites. Based on what she has written in the past, Im willing to bet that I am right on the money. And my name is ARON. One A.

    Update: Sal. Blah blah blah, Sal. I am happy that you managed to survive the war over there, however you are not winning any points with me by continuing to attack me. I go by what I see, and experience, and online here, the vast amount of intolerance and judgement comes from your team. Not a Christian? Youre going to hell. Not a CHristian, your beliefs and deep seated values are all wrong. SImply because I do not believe your saviour is who others say he was. Furthermore, why cant I jusge other people without meeting them? You do it. Maryanne does it. So why is it again that I cannot do it? A for being jailed for carrying your bible, well you arent in America, and you have to respect the laws and the religion of the place you are in. Muslims dont want to be preached to by a religion that means nothing to them, and demeans THEIR saviour. I dont think you realize how very angry this makes some people. So now the Xtians consider us their brothers, eh? Where was that sense of brotherhood during the Spanish Inquisition? Where was the POpe when we were being rounded up by the nazis? So the church apologized for their lack of action in that regard. 60 years after the fact? I dont see how you can call me unintelligent, when I am clearly shooting from the hip and telling it the way I see it. I just dont hold back, and am not the most diplomatic person in the world. No ones perfect, right? Ive got my own faults, and I suppose being passionate about my religion and people, and wanting to defend them from the abhorrent ramblings of overtly dogmatic and pious fundamentalists and radicals is a fault to you?? Perhaps we should roll over and play dead for you? As for the Sanhedrin, if oyu want to blame me, fine. I dont care. The Romans killed your Jesus, and would have done so whether we wanted him dead, or not. You think we really had control over what was going on over there? They saw him as a disruptive influence and threat to Roman Law and order I know some will always blame us, however. Anyway, you keep going on about my ignorance, my prejudices, etc etc. You certainly say it enough in your last update. Like a broken record, i nfact. Yeah, I get it. I heard you the first time. Perhaps I do go overboard sometimes, but it is the passionate nature I have inside of me. I get full of righteous indignation when I see something that is just so disgusting that I must respond in kind. And I will always respond. If the Xtians think they can shut me down for protecting my people, they have another thing coming. So in the meantime, you learn some tolerance and can the ignorance as well, otherwise you have no place speaking to me like this. Let he who is without what cast the first stone? Hmm. Well, according to you people, Im full of sin, and am going to hell. So Im not playing by your rules. And we dont believe in hell. Later.

    Last Update: Maryanne

    To Maryanne: well, then I apologize for jumping the gun. I was a little fast on the draw, but frankly, repetedly hearing the Christian assertion that good people are going to 'hell' merely for not accepting the beliefs of Christians...Which doesnt sound all that 'Christian' to begin with. This idea that you people have, and say to other good people infuriates me. I cannot help it. But it does seem a little odd to me that you would request the holiest day on the calendar for us off, when you are a Christian. Anyway, this link is for others here who might have missed my thoughtful statement on this subject:;_ylt=AqkU6...

    I am most curious to hear from people who disagree with it, and how they would justify themselves from the truths that I state. Quite eloquently, I might add.

  • 2 decades ago

    it goes both ways....many evangelical christians and fundamentalists berate and ridicule those of other faiths....but the last time I looked, the U.S. had a little thing called freedom of religion.

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