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"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture" Rev. Ray Mummert, Your Comments

Rev Ray Mummert is a Paster from Dover, PA.


Hmm for some reason it didnt put a question mark at the end. I would be glad to hear any comments you have on that quotation.

Update 2:

Here is a fuller quotation for people who want it:

'But pastor and parent Ray Mummert, 54, explained their point.

"If we continue to indoctrinate our young people with non-religious principles, we're headed for an internal destruction of this society," he said.

"Evolution is just a theory and there are other theories," Mummert explained, smiling through his beard.

"There is such a complexity in life, and science wants to hang its hat on a belief that life somehow started -- they say there is no creator, no order ... I believe there is a creator," he said.

"Christians are a lot more bold under Bush's leadership, he speaks what a lot of us believe," said Mummert.

"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture," he said, adding that the school board's declaration is just a first step.'

Update 3:

Mummert does not speak for me either. I just want the fundamentalist, dogmatic evangelical right wing to retreat back to the margins. This growing power and influence they have makes me very nervous.

6 Answers

  • frodo
    Lv 6
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Rev. Mummert is the pastor at Brethren in Christ church just outside East Berlin who supports Intelligent Design.

    He has enjoyed some media attention this past year with the Dover School Board case. Among his quotes is the above one which he said last March. It is the same idea he promoted in an interview last Dec when a judge ruled against having ID taught in science classes.

    Mummert said he doesn't want to convey the idea that he is against education. Rather, he said, "the push for secularism is coming from the educated segment of our culture." .... Those who are better educated often develop more confidence in their intellect and grow to rely less on God, he said.

    Mummert certainly does not speak for all pastors. On Feb, 12th, Darwin's Birthday over 400 pastors across the country preached on the compatibility of the bible, evolution and science. Over 10,000 had signed a petition indicating the same thing.

  • 2 decades ago

    More context please?

    well, I agree with the educated part of it - I'm not so sure I can agree with the intelligent part though :)

    I don't think it's particularly intelligent to believe that we all came from a rock 4.6 billion years ago.

    I would have no problems with evolution being taught in schools if only they would remove the lies from the textbooks.

    Did you know that they still teach Ernst Haekel's "Biogenetic Law" as a fact - even though it was proven wrong in 1875?

    This is just one example of the many "proofs" that are still used in textbooks in schools all over the world as support of evolution.

    My only request is that they take all the theories and evidence that has been proven false out of the books (along with all the ones that have been proven to be deliberately fraudulent).

  • 2 decades ago

    There are many, many highly educated and intelligent people who give credence to the theory of Intelligent Design. I dare say, the Rev. Mummert missed an opportunity to point out that fact.

    I believe that arrogance is certainly a factor in the left's refusal to consider I.D. And perhaps, fear as well. The fear that they may not ultimately control their own destiny. And perhaps fear that actions might be judged by a perfect being. For certainly, if we are judged by a perfect being we will all be found wanting.

    If we truly want intelligent children, then we should provide theoretical options, and teach reasoning and critical thinking skills. Then step back and allow our future leaders to decide for themselves.

  • 2 decades ago

    I would have to know more of what he was saying in context. If he is referring to the educated secularists who attack Christianity with a vengeance, well, Christianity leaves itself wide open for assault. I have talked to Catholics who would profess their faith even threatened with death, but had never opened their Bible to read it. I admit, I don't understand the logic in that. Dr. Bart Ehrman, head of the Department of Religious Studies, Univ. Chapel Hill, NC, was a born-again Evangelical preacher who later became an agnostic. His books leave plenty of food for thought.

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  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Yahoo! Answers isn't very intelligent if it omitted the question mark.

    Or is it a sign of super-intelligence? Perhaps it's an attack on the value of your question.

    {edit} I don't know anything about the Rev. Mr. Mummert.

  • 2 decades ago

    The opposite of intelligent, educated is stupid, uneducated. Someone has to speak for them, but that doesn`t mean they should run the school system.

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