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How should one best learn God's thoughts?

Do you agree that the universe around us, creation as we see it is God's handiwork? Direct to us from God? It is direct, and without errors, his direct message to us?

And do you not agree that the bible was not WRITTEN by God, but used men as intermediaries? And would you not agree that men are not perfect beings like God? And would you not agree that men make mistakes and get confused and have limited abilities to understand ?

Then if you agree at least somewhat with those two statements, then does it not make more sense to look at God's creation in its infinite complexity and beauty to learn God's thoughts? And not to try to guess what is the correct translation of this word or that word in some text that was written several thousand years ago in a dead language that ommitted vowels? Why not read God's message direct from him?

Does that not make more sense?

5 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Be quiet and listen!

  • 2 decades ago

    Bible was a God's word. but no more now..scholars have changed it over the time. so a part of it contains the word of God but not completely ..due to changes... and as u rightly mentioned that the language is also dead... so why dont you study the word of God in a living language Arabic and the word is Quran. Its unchanged ..see what does Quran say .

    "We have, without doubt, sent down the Message; and We will assuredly Guard it (from corruption)."

    [Al-Qur’an 15:9]

  • 2 decades ago

    I do not believe that you can achieve a full understanding of God (whoever He or She may be) through reading any religious texts, following any set doctrine, or reciting any specific prayer. While I believe that the messages contained in most religious books carry worthwhile knowlege, they are open to personal interpretation. However, by going out into the world and looking at it with an open mind and a pure heart you can find God. Only by looking at the beauty of nature can you truly appreciate the brilliance of God, and by looking at the millions of incredible, beautiful individuals can you begin to comprehend just what an incredible creator must be responsible for them, and only by seeing the suffering in the world can you realise the responsibility of each person to care for the world they have been given guardianship of. By looking at the world that was created - at the flowers, at the animals, at the people - you can begin to see what God intended for his/her people, and can start to act accordingly - in a manner of peace, caring and understanding.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Study Quran

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  • 2 decades ago

    Reading what holy books are important to you, and most importantly, coming to your own conclusions without fear of reprisal or retribution from others who are perhaps not as intellectually advanced as you are. Your personal relationship with God is more important than some Muslim burning your flag because of a cartoon and telling you what to think, or some Christian condemning you to hell for daring to support a womans right to choose and telling you what to think...Or even some unapologetic Zionist Jew named Aron...Regardless of how smart he is ;o) LOL

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