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i have a friend who is thinking about buying a house. should she?

3 Answers

  • fabby
    Lv 4
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Having a home is always the wish of many, and most come to realize that dream!

    There are many thing to take into consideration before taking this important step. The financial position of the buyer, will she be able to pay the EMI's correctly, or if she has ready cash is she willing to block the money for some years! If its for tax purposes only, is she sure that this is the only option to save tax!

    As a home owner and a young one at that, I must confess its a very good financial option too!

    So all the best to your friend in her choice, whatever it may be!

    Source(s): Experience!
  • 2 decades ago

    It comes with advantages and disadvantages. Owning a home is an investment because it probable that the price might go up in a few years. It is also a place where your friend could call her own. Problems come along with being able to afford it. If she can then why not? Remember that there comes resposibilities such like taking care of the lawn and many other guidelines to keeping a nice home. There is also property tax.

    Source(s): I live in a home.
  • 2 decades ago

    There are alot of things to consider before buying a home. Is she sure she will be there at least 5 years? Is she financially stable? That is only 2 of many things to think about.

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