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John C
Lv 5
John C asked in Politics & GovernmentMilitary · 2 decades ago

Should we really feel sorry for Tom Fox?

An American aid worker taken hostage with three other peace activists was apparently tortured before he was shot in the head and chest and his body dumped near a railroad line in Baghdad, Iraqi police said Saturday.

Tom Fox, a 54-year-old member of Christian Peacemaker Teams from Clear Brook, Va., was the fifth American hostage killed in Iraq.

-------------- (from Yahoo news) ---------

I know we should OBVIOUSLY feel bad a life has been taken... but should we feel bad for Tom Fox specifically? I mean, it's a tragedy and all, but he had no business being over there. He learned that the terrorists over there don't care if you're anti-war, they want to kill you. So I feel bad that someone has died, but I don't really feel BAD for Tom Fox, if that makes sense.... what do you think?


feretlover - You're quite wrong, I'm not retarded.

Some other people - I may not have worded it right, but I'm saying he knew what he was doing, so is his death really tragic? I'm not saying, although I kinda did at first, that he SHOULDN'T be there (I do hold that belief, but don't really care) but that there's nothing really to complain about. Like Pat Tillman. He went, did what he had to do, and died. I don't say like 'oh, how bad for Pat Tilman. He knew what he was doing, so I don't have pitty for him or whatever... make more sense? Probobly not.

threeiceys - Nope, you don't get 10, sorry.

mele - It's the name of a unit in Halo :) ... sorry, no military anything for me. But hey, thanks for serving the country! You rock.

15 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have sorrow for those left behind to grieve his loss. But I think, as a Christian, we should be proud of Tom Fox. He did what so many of us are afraid to do. He went to a dangerous place, aware of the risk, to do what he felt needed to be done. He didn't go there to be killed. He went there to help. And I'm sure he made a difference.

    Lv 7
    2 decades ago

    NO, I know is really sounds BAD and all But I don't feel sorry for anyone such as Fox. I mean he as well as others go there on their own. No one makes them go over. They go for the money as a private contractor, or as peace activist, or a group who really has no business there. We are at WAR. Like it or not. There isn't ANYTHING that they are going to do that will change anything. They want to be heros then they should join the military and REQUEST to be sent there. Then they can die as heros would DEFENDING our country. Other than that SORRY.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    "In a controversy the instant we feel anger we have already ceased striving for the truth, and have begun striving for ourselves."

    -- Siddhartha Buddha

    If blaming this man for caring about other human beings, is what makes his death easier to swallow than so be it. Is it any wonder the world is a complete nightmare when people are so pathetic they have to blame a good Christian man for his own death? It's disgusting to see, so much so I needed to add more to my original answer. If the life you want to live involves hiding behind closed doors like cowards, instead of doing your best to reach out to others in need. So be it. That is what separates Tom Fox from all the people here spewing out verbal diarrhea about this mans passing.

  • 2 decades ago

    I think you're an retard. how you do feel bad for a dead person? You don't have to feel anything. Do dead people care if you feel bad for them? I can imagine Tom Fox saying..."this guy feels bad for me because I am dead."

    no, but feel for his family and friends for the loss that they have suffered. He had every right to be there and where he pleased. It's unfortunate what happened to him. I am sure he knew the risks. Well, I guess I could say-would you care if someone said (about you)"i feel sorry for the FAT guy who died."

    *sorry to sound so harsh, it's just an opinion

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  • 2 decades ago

    You're right, no one should ever take risks or try to make a difference or try to make the world a better place. Jesus deserved what he got for messing with those Romans. Being a Christian, Fox should have learned from that example and just minded his own business. (Tongue firmly in cheek for anyone to dense to notice.)

  • 2 decades ago

    I feel sorry for him. He meant well and tried to help others. That said he was a deeply flawed individual; arrogant and sanctimonious. He paid for his shortcomings by suffering greatly and meaninglessly. Let his demise be a lesson to all about who and what the USA, and the decent Iraqis are up against.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    There's no difference between knowing his name and generalizing a feel for a group of people.

    Torture is terrible - period!

    Feel bad for him because of that.

    Feel bad for those he was with.

    Feel bad for all people tortured.

    Feel bad for the Iraqis for feeling the need to do this.

    Don't pick and choose.

    Sometimes there's no need to think so hard.

  • 2 decades ago

    Where did you get the military code name warhammer from? that was my unit. Al an bar province falujah Iraq April2004-sept2004warhammer2gunattachment

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Hello i am living in Germany and we had a hostage nemed Susanne Osthoff!

    Germany had to pay heeps of money to get her free. What happend afterwards?

    She went to Iraq.

    The people their are sick and tired of invovment from the western countries!

  • 2 decades ago

    Hey John- I need to read more on the matter before I answer.

    Do I get 10 points?!

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