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why the cover up on global warming?

The republcans including their mouth piece Rush Limbaugh strongly deny that it exists yet all the scientist have predicted including the extreme weather and the chunk of anartica breaking off is occuring.

13 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's not really a cover-up, part of the problem is that if global warming really is caused by human activity, the people complaining really don't understand what they are asking human civilization to do in order to counter this. So long as mundane technology such as conveyance and every day activities remain tied to fossil fuels and products made from the petroleum molecule, society cannot continue without monumental sacrifices of standard of living, productivity, length and quality of life, etc. This is not just the "drive the hybrid and turn off the lights when you are out of the room" that we are being told, any decrease in overall greenhouse emissions will demand that our standard of living retreat at least fifty years if not more and we Americans prove every single day that we simply are not willing to sacrifice anything.

    There simply is no replacement for petroleum and other fossil fuels that has the same concentration of potential power to keep our society moving. The entire Green Revolution where food production has increased so dramatically depends entirely on petroleum based fertilizers and chemicals. Half measures will cause indescribable trauma both societal and political without any noticeable improvement in the environment. In all likelihood the die-off from starvation and lack of medicine will be at least as bad as that caused by out-of-control temperatures.

    And this from the last of the Johnson Democrats!

  • 2 decades ago

    Nature has natural cycles, wild ones. During the last 1000 years the planet has been warmer and colder.

    During the medieval period there was a 300-400 year warm cycle. We don't have recorded temperatures but we have tree rings and stories. During this period the French were complaining about quality wines out of England. Wines require warm weather.

    However within 50 years we went into a "mini ice age." This lasted from the Reniansance to the early 1800s. Temperatures dipped to the point where glaciers were growing. The mini ice age was probably triggered by the previous warming cycle melting the greenland glaciers. The runoff knocked the warming ocean currents off whack, and the earth cooled.

    The point is that the Earth is warming, and we are partly to blame. But we may not be able to do anything about, it certainly isn't as easy as cutting greenhouse gases.

    Some just don't want to play on people's fears that so much prime real estate will go underwater or get knocked down by a hurricane. Other's take the way too simplistic view and scare people into dramatic action. We should be doing something in the middle. Problem is political moderation is out of style.

  • 2 decades ago

    Idiot! There is no way to assert that Global Warming is OUR FAULT!

    Every earth scientist will agree with me in saying that the earth is in a state of warming since the last ice age. So yeah, its happening, can we do anything about it? No.

    Here's a fact for you. The volcanic eruption in Mount St. Helens put out more grenhouse gases then mankind has EVER produced. And with thousands of events like that that have occured since the last ice age, I wonder exactly how you can think that the minute amount of greenhouse gases that we have put out have had any impact? Indoctrination by the liberal media no doubt. Do some research before jumping to conclusions.

  • 2 decades ago

    For anyone who thinks the earth is not affected by HUMANS, you are completely and utterly wrong. the Polar Ice caps in both the North and South Pole are melting at twice the rate they were melting 100 years ago. Of course Global Warming is a natural event! You would be stupid to say it wasn't. But you would also be dumb to say that in no way Humans have affected it! Just THINK about it...Honestly....

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  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Because you have an oil man in the White House. It's not so much a cover up as it is misinformation and outright denial. The young people of today better get their **** together and start demanding a change from their Governors and Representatives to whom they will put in the presidency.

  • Sleazy
    Lv 4
    2 decades ago

    Denial. Out of sight, out of mind.

    For those who think humans can't affect the Earth, think of the ozone layer. I doubt it's a coincidence that the hole in the ozone started a few decades after we started using CFC's, and started to get smaller a few years after CFC's were banned worldwide.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    because part of the cause of global warming is smog and the government is not willing to loose money and think about the future so big money makig factories are a big contribution to global warming

  • 2 decades ago

    Because why alarm people with things that they can't control immediately or where scienctists have not fully mapped out a clear problem or solution.

  • 2 decades ago

    The earth is going through a natural cycle. We are arrogant to think we can effect mother natures natural cycles.

    Source(s): Truth
  • 2 decades ago

    There is no cover up. All the information is readily available. The problem is that those of which you speak are in denial.

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