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Do you think they know the truth about the USA?

There are alot of other countries that are very upset by the things the US has done, but as far as most of the things the US has done, expecally here lately, we as the people really dont stand behind alot of it, and its not our fault that the people we trusted to put into office did this, if we would of known they would of never made it into office. I just hope that in other countries that hate us, stop hating us as a people but realize that that politicians are the ones to blame, they did the deed, not "us" as a people. I just get really worried sometimes that other countries are going to ban aginst us and try to take us down, you never know when you make that many other people upset at one time, but thats my thoughts... do you guys think they can tell a differance in the peoples intentions compared to what our poiticians do? Because expecally here lately its polar opposites!!

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Almost all of the people I come into contact with on a day-to-day basis are not Americans, although I am. Aside from the people in my office, I know only one American. Everyone else I know are English, Scottish, Turkish, Australian, Russian, Taiwanese, Spanish or Phillipino.

    Every once in a while I meet somebody who doesn't seem to understand the fact that I am not George Bush, but it is rare. Almost to the individual, they understand that the American people are NOT the American government.

    They see our news and hear our commentaries. Many of them are as aware of Bush's unpopularity as we are. Few will even bring up politics with us, but when they do it seems to be with the understanding that we do not like the American government's actions either.

    Many people overseas are acutely aware of what it is like to live in a country where the will of the people is ignored. This is a newer concept for us, but it is a very familiar one around the world.

    I wouldn't worry too much about it. Yesterday I was talking with a Russian woman who likened our situation to life under Putin's government. They understand tyranny and rigged elections all too well. Now we are finding out what it's like, and I think you would be suprised how much empathy a HUMBLE American can get.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I don't think that Americans know the truth about the USA. Most are ignorant of the the atrocities done by the government and would like it to remain that way. In America, we are comfortable. The poorest among us have two cars and cable TV. Gone are the days when people actually got together and took a stand for something. Nowadays, if any one makes a fuss, they are considered a kook. It seems as if our leaders are representing their own best interest and not that of the people. I just hope the the USA make it out of this mess okay.

  • 2 decades ago

    I realize the big responsibility on the government of the United States as the single superpower in the world, to rule you need to sacrifice and all blame you for everything wrong everywhere. Logically it's America's right to get maximal benefit from this unique opportunity of being an unopposed power to impose his culture and political power ( fortunately it's the best culture and political system in the world now) on the rest of the world.

    I think the world would be a much worse place if the United States lost one of his wars against Nazis, USSR or Al Qayda.

    So, let's support Americans or at least help them rule the world better.

    Source(s): I am from Iraq, Iraqi and living in Iraq now.
  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I really don't know if they do or not, I grew up in a period when we was suppose to hate Russians but after the breakup of the Soviat Union we found out that the people of Russa was alot like us. They work, shop, eat, drink, make love and educate. It was their leaders that make us think that they should be hated. If we are being judged by our leadership I would guess that we as a people are much hated. Our leadership really is the bad ones here, the rest of us are just people.

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  • 2 decades ago

    "Do you think USA knows that we know the truth about them" That's the rest of the world for you today.

    It's disgusting to see the man in office for a second term after what he did. But we are aware of the other 49% and the brave fight they are putting up.

    More than the soldiers 'following orders' in Iraq, these 49% are the bravest people alive. They are fighting the toughest war there is: a war with it's own countries ignorance and selfishness.

    To you the rest of the world looks up to.

    To you I salute.

  • 2 decades ago

    Hey, Bin Laden was responsible for Sept 11, not the entire Iraqi people, yet they are dying for Bin Laden's actions, among other things. It really doesn't matter if they can distinguish between the u.s. people and its politians. If there ever came a time when other countries decide they will get together for an attack on the U.S., then, they will attack in the same manner the U.S. did them, without regard to the innocent people! (like Sept 11th)

  • 2 decades ago

    In My Humble opinion:

    I worry about the same thing but, like it or not we are all in this together now. Sometimes I wish we would fix our own countries problems before we start fixing everyone Else's.

  • 2 decades ago

    Actions speak louder than words. I think the people of other countries judge us by what we do, not what we say we wish we would do.

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