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  • From Chile? Please read, you will understand :)?

    I have scrubbed the internet looking for a translator who can translate from chilean to english. I have a very good friend who was adopted from central Chile almost 30 years ago. He found a letter from his birth mother in a huge folder his adoptive parents gave him with all of his paperwork in it. As you know finding someone who can translate the dialects of Chilean Spanish is very difficult, If you could find it to give me your email so i can type out the cursice writeing to you i would greatly apprichiate it :) Thank you so much!

    1 AnswerLanguages1 decade ago
  • Why are people so shocked about government officials lieing in office? ?

    I'm on the fence on what party I fit more into, which seems to be the case for alot of people I talk to.

    What I don't understand is the people who are totally committed to the party they vote for over and over again who say "Well the other party lies all the time" Well I can say I am an outsider on both parties and they ALL LIE!!

    Why do people expect for there to be someone, anyone running for elected office to NOT LIE...

    It just seems to me that were deciding over which ball of sugar coated bull$h!t to vote for that sounds like something that could stick to the wall...

    Why do so many people get so shocked after who they wanted in office starts doing so many things they said they wouldn't do?

    2 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Is this just me... racist question?

    No im not racist, NOT AT ALL... Just to clerify...

    But am I the only one that thinks that this subject's attention is the only reason why it is still a issue? In other words, I think that for the most part racist people are dwindling in numbers and have been, but when the issue is brought up it just makes everyone freeze like "oh god not again" why do we need to sit down and rethink all of this all over again... the hardcore racist generation *ON BOTH SIDES* are dying... Are we over this as a nation... or is it just me?

    Isnt a black man running for president with a good shot at it enough to tell the media and who ever else we are over this struggle as a nation? I dont know im just sick of hearing the subject cause i think its not even a issue anymore, what do you think?

    15 AnswersSociology1 decade ago
  • Can some one help me by proof reading my paper?

    Here it is... Tell me what you think, or what you think i need to change... Any help would be awsome :)

    In the purest form of young love, a child was brought into the world. Love is a precious thing. The young soon-to-be father thought he would spend the rest of his life with this woman, and he deeply loved her. Consequently though, the pregnant mother had a change of heart in her first trimester. The mother was happy with just the thought of being a mom, and confessed to him that she just used him to help make a baby. The father was devastated as she left. The young woman’s whole family wondered what was wrong with her. Why she would walk away, much less throw love away, from such a wonderful man. In that one instant she changed the life of her unborn daughter in ways that took years to repair.

    Holly’s mother gave her everything she could ever need or even want. Her room was filled with Barbie dolls and warm blankets. She was her mothers pride and joy. She felt as though she was safe and secure. The first ten years of her life were filled with overflowing birthdays and stocked Christmas trees. The young woman loved having “her” baby. This child was hers and hers alone.

    In a strange twist of events things started to change in a dramatic way. It seemed as though Holly’s mom couldn’t “baby” her daughter anymore so she was done. Her mom was done in almost every aspect of being a mother. There were late night parties at the house, and the house was always a mess. Holly started to see the change and it made her reconsider her sense of security. She felt as though she was isolated and disconnected from everyone else. She had an older sister but her sister didn’t live there she lived with another relative. There were no bedtime stories or even nightly baths anymore. She felt as though she was plucked out of her life and thrown into another.

    Holly’s mom came to her for a talk. Her words were cold when she told Holly she needed to prepare herself to meet her father. Holly was confused she never even knew what it was like to have a man in her life, much less a father. She questioned what she did wrong to make her mom act this way toward her. She did like the idea of getting to know the faceless man. However, she did wonder if her mom just wanted a way to get rid of her.

    Her mom contacted the father and told him that he was allowed to see his child now. He was over overjoyed and didn’t know how to take the news. He was completely beside himself. After all these years hunting and looking for his daughter, one phone call gave him hope he hadn’t felt in years. Arrangements were made for Holly to go meet her dad for the very first time.

    She was taken to her grandmother’s house, her dad’s mom. She didn’t know all of the people that were around her. The room was filled with aunts, uncles and cousins that were ecstatic to finally have her home.

    Her dad raced to get off of work, knowing his little girl should be waiting at his mother’s house. He walked into the door; anxious feelings pulsed through his veins. He saw her. Instantly he reached out for her and pulled her so close. He didn’t want to let go; he finally had her. He kissed her on her forehead and they stared at each other in amazement.

    Holly was almost intimidated by the thought of comfort. Comfort around him or around anyone else for that matter. It took a few months of her dads persistence, warm love and affectionate speech before holly felt like she finally had a dad.

    Back at home with her mom; things were going from bad to worse. Her mom had another daughter. She was completely replaced by the next baby. Holly talked to her older sister Heather. They conversed about how Heather went through the same thing when Holly was born.

    Holly hit puberty and there was another big challenge around the corner. She talked to her Aunt about the changes she was going through. Her aunt didn’t think things were lining up so they made a trip to the doctor. Her mom didn’t go to the doctors appointment, she thought it was an over reaction.

    The doctor said her blood pressure was strange and gave her some medication to take. He ordered some more tests to find out what was going on with her.

    Holly soon notices little dark hairs growing on her face. The other girls at school didn’t have this! She started to feel out of place; quite abnormal.

    Holly talked to her aunt about the hair and they revisited the doctor. The doctor ran some tests and diagnosed her with POSD (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome). Soon she found out that facial hair and blood pressure were side effects. The doctor gave her large doses of Estrogen. They had to counter act the large amounts of testosterone her body was producing.

    Holly’s mother started to act as though Holly was a stone in her shoe. All Holly wanted was support from her mom; support she knew she could get from her dad if she lived with him. Although, her mom wouldn’t let Holly live with her dad.

    Holly loved to go see her dad. He lived quite far away. He offered her as much support as he could physically give. However, there was no way her dad could give her enough positive reinforcement to counterbalance the negativity she felt at home.

    She just couldn’t take it anymore. She wanted out of this life. She had facial hair and felt as though she looked like a man. There was no support other then the spurts of support from her aunt, dad and grandma. She was tired of being a burden to her mom and to everyone else around her. At least that’s how she felt anyway.

    Holly washed and dried her sheets. And neatly put them back on her bed. At fifteen years old she was used to doing for herself. She took a long hot shower and shaved her legs. She wanted everything to be perfect and clean. She went into the kitchen and took her whole bottle of blood pressure pills. Holly wanted to die and be taken out of this life she called hell. She lay down in her bed and tried to go to sleep. Shortly after she felt sharp pains surge threw her stomach. She violently threw up the pills and her dinner of “Oodles of Noodles.” She was so disappointed that her plan didn’t work.

    A few days later the whole family was came together for thanksgiving. Heather, her older sister, offered to take Holly to the store with her. It was a rainy November evening. Holly confided in her sister, and told her about all of her. She finally told her sister about trying to kill herself. Instantly her sister slammed the breaks.

    “Why didn’t you call me? I could have helped you”! Her sister mournfully screamed.

    Within minutes they were back at there grandma’s house and the cat was out of the bag.

    Cops showed up with paramedics to take Holly to the hospital. They knew she was suicidal. The doctors had her spend 2 out of the next 3 months in the hospital. The doctors worked to get to the root of the problem. They found out Holly had a severe case of ADD also. They scheduled appointments for her to go to a therapist and to get electrolysis done on her face. The medical team really pulled together to help her.

    Her whole family didn’t know she was going threw this entire emotional trauma. They all stood up and tried to help her threw it, everyone but her mom. Her grandma let her move in, and things started to get better. Holly felt safe with her grandma. Moreover, Holly finally had the medication she needed, with emotional support. She had more contact with her dad also. Her dad did everything in his power to help her, even though he was over 200 miles away. He called more just to let her know how special she was.

    She graduated from high school and found support from others in her Christian youth group. Holly found her own apartment and started college. She will always suffer from ADD and PSOD and still has obstacles to face. She hopes medication will get better, and she can control her symptoms more efficiently. Also, she is used to challenges, and pools her strength. Although looking back on it she wouldn’t change anything. Things were extremely difficult but it made her who she is today.

    Thank god, Hollys mom gave up her control. If it wasn’t for that, Holly would have never met her dad. Consequently, I would have never known my sister and one of my best friends.

    5 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Upgrading my saltwater tank from a 40 to a 90 Can I do this with little or no problem to my fish?

    What problems may arrise if I combine my 40 saltwater tank to a 90 while using all the water and rock for the 90 and adding new cured rocked? I was thinking that by doing this it would be little to no lvl surge and be like doing a 50% water change. What are your thoughts on this?

    4 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Parenting Problem, serious ONE!!?

    I have two sons, One is 2 and the other one is 4, we also have a puppy that we got a few weeks ago. The oldest also goes to preschool. At preschool and here at home hes starting this new streak... CHOAKING!!! Hes done it to his brother, the puppy, a kid in class and he tried to do it to me. Now im not scared to deal out a butt whoopin... but i dont think thats the BEST solution, there has to be something else... when he did it to the boy at school i talked to him about it and he stopped, but for a few weeks then the next thing you know hes doing it again... here at home this time... Im worried about what can happen if i dont get this nipped in the bud... any words of advice would be very much apprichiated... Thx bunches!!

    20 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • squaring negitive binomials??

    Im alright with squaring binomials but i ran across this problem and im lost.... -(3y-8)^2

    I did this (-3y--8)^2

    then (-3y +8)^2

    so then (-3y)^2+(2*-3y*8)+8^2

    So then 9^2 +(-48y)+ 64 for my answer

    My book says the answer is -9y^2+48y-64

    Um where did i go wrong??? Im totally lost on how to get the answer they said to get.... any help plzzzz!!! :) THanks bunches

    2 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Laundry Question..... Moms should know a answer to this one?

    I just potty trained my 3 year old, well you can guess what im tring to get out of my laundry, sometimes sheets sometimes undies and sometimes pants... you know how it goes if your a mom :P at any rate what can i use in my washer to make sure that bacteria is killed? I know i can bleach whites but what about colored clothes and sheets? I was thinking about putting Lysol in the water but i didnt know if that would suds up to much.... at any rate any ideas or time tested solutions would be helpful... i cant get past the thoughts that im spreading the bacteria all over the rest of my clothes.... yack!!!! If it helps in your answer i use Gain and i rince everything as well as possible before i put it in the washer, expecally if im dealing with more then... well you know... lol gosh this is gross but i know more moms then me have to deal with this :P

    17 AnswersCleaning & Laundry2 decades ago
  • Probiotics question?

    I read how well they work for you, and it was highly reccomended by a few people i know to try them out on my son, so i went to the health food store and found a kind made for children, but how do you know when they have had enough of the probiotic? i have a 30 day supply for him, it wasnt cheap, ive read that some people take them everyday, but there has to be a breaking point to where your bowels are back to where they need to be, im sure the time line for everyone is differnt but how do you know when they have had enough? Hes only taken them for like 4 days now and his attitude has totally turned around and hes more regular, his sleeping schedule is totally better, but i dont want to take him off of them untill he shows signs that hes completely turned around ya know.... any sites or suggestions would be awsome :) THX

    3 AnswersAlternative Medicine2 decades ago
  • Whats the best paint to use for rubber materials?

    When we moved into this house there were these big planters outside but they need a face lift, they look like they are made out of a hard rubber material, not really that flexable but flex a little bit, about the same flex as tractor tires give, for referance, but at any rate what paints do you think would work, they will be outside... any product suggestions and what applacation brush on or spray on?? THX for your answers :)

    Garden & Landscape2 decades ago
  • How would you handle this situation with your step daughter?

    We have a great relationship and everythings peachy on that side of it, its not nessisarily about her in general, but i have to travel a hour to get her as so does her mom to drop her off to me, theres a tornado watch in affect where we are all driving from 3 till 10. I called the better half and told him about it and hes acting almost like im being selfish for not wanting to go pick her up tonight with our two other kids, hes like well your driving a Durango you should be ok, im just at loss right now because it seems like he thinks i just dont want to do the drive at all, and in a way i dont expecally with all of our kids in the car, it wouldnt be so bad if it was just me picking up a gallon of milk, know what i mean?? How can i win this situation?

    15 AnswersFriends2 decades ago
  • Would you let them play outside?

    My sons are 3 1/2 and almost 2, we have a babysafed fenced in back yard, with toys and everything, Do you think if i leave the window open while i clean they should be OK to go play, part of me is kind of skiddish to let them but i have things i HAVE to get done around here and i dont really have time to spend all day out there with them, do you think they will be ok out their playing alone as long as they are still in earshot? How old do you think kids should be before they are left to play outside alone (in a fenced in backyard in earshot)?

    7 AnswersParenting2 decades ago
  • calling all stay at home moms.....?

    I am getting to the point of snapping so eaisly lately, everytime i turn around i find ANOTHER mess my sons have made they are almost 2 and 4, I feel as though i can never sit down, i am constatnly running thin, i joined a Gym because i heard it helps plus i need to lose a few lbs anyway, im just running so short with patence with them and i feel like im going to snap one day and i dont want to let it get to that point, i live a hour away from everyone i know so i dont have any friends around here at all, i do everything i can for my family i try to be everything i can be for them but i feel like im going to go crazy in the process, its just alot of little things that gets under my skin and i feel like no matter how hard i try i cant ever be what i need to be, am i the only one? Is this normal? How can i fix this? I seriously cant take this fear of failing my children, i want to be a happy good mom not a frustrated constatnly upset one HELP!!!!

    19 AnswersParenting2 decades ago
  • Do you think they know the truth about the USA?

    There are alot of other countries that are very upset by the things the US has done, but as far as most of the things the US has done, expecally here lately, we as the people really dont stand behind alot of it, and its not our fault that the people we trusted to put into office did this, if we would of known they would of never made it into office. I just hope that in other countries that hate us, stop hating us as a people but realize that that politicians are the ones to blame, they did the deed, not "us" as a people. I just get really worried sometimes that other countries are going to ban aginst us and try to take us down, you never know when you make that many other people upset at one time, but thats my thoughts... do you guys think they can tell a differance in the peoples intentions compared to what our poiticians do? Because expecally here lately its polar opposites!!

    8 AnswersPolitics2 decades ago
  • Would you say something or call the cops or what?

    Ok heres the issue, we live in a pretty nice neighborhood, mid class everyone keeps their yards kept and nice, hardly any violence. But here is my concern, the people that live directly across from me put their sons basketball hoop facing the road right on the curb, ultimitly having their kids play in the road constantly, i was worried when i seen this the boys cant be more then 12 the youngest looks about 7 or so, im terrified that the kids are going to get hurt, not to mention that ive seen the balls hit cars coming around the curve, i think OMG that could of been one of the boys! To make matters worse i seen them out there last night with a glow in the dark ball!!! OK so lets let them think its ok to play in the road in the middle of the night, im not tring to be a nosey neighbor but im terrified that one of the kids is going to be hit! I dont know them at all ive only lived here for a matter of months, so i cant really say anything to the mother i dont think, but im just worried

    15 AnswersParenting2 decades ago
  • OK so does the big o really matter??

    When me and my better half are all done and i dont get mine and he does and i say it doesnt matter, am i the only one? Seriously it doesnt matter to me if i dont, to me its way more then just getting off, i mean yeah it feels good but im not going to demand that i have to get there also, im happy that we just got to love on each other and the emotions and romance that goes with it, now this only happens like once out of lets say 20 times of us doing it, so its not a normal thing, but when i tell him its all good im not all that worried about it, i get this your kidding me look when i tell him lets just cuddle.... so my question is.....

    WOMEN, Does it matter to you if it doesnt happen EVERY time?

    MEN, what would you think if you were told this?

    9 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships2 decades ago
  • Help me think outside the box, any creative minds?

    The company i work for buys used oil, for recyleing, other then auto lubes, car lots, and truck shops, where else do you think would be a good place to call on that would have a good steady stream of used oil? Im tring to expand our market while keeping our drivers inside a radius, gas prices geeeeesh! lol Any ideas would be really helpful THX! I put this in advertiseing and marketing mostly because i know you guys have the most creative minds out there and your job DEMANDS that you think out side the box constantly :P

    6 AnswersAdvertising & Marketing2 decades ago
  • Totally a sex question for women from another woman?

    When my better half is givin or@l hes pretty good at it and thats not what im complaining on at all, but he trys to get me to to the point where i can take that strong tickle and relax threw it so he can get me off twice, i dont know if im getting off two hard the first time or what, can you go from one right into the other? how do you get yourself past that super sensitive feeling, are there any tricks to this? HE loves giving and i love getting it, i just dont know how to lay still so he can keep going lol any ideas?

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships2 decades ago
  • Ladies do you wonder about this sometimes?

    Most women are pretty friendly, do you ever wonder if another woman thinks your flirting? Do you ever second guess if a woman is flirting with you? Do you just ask something like that? Im not homophobic or anything crazy like that its just something i would like to know or that i wonder from time to time, do you?

    4 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships2 decades ago
  • Cronic Headache help?

    My better half went to the doctor about 2 weeks ago with bronchitus, He was put on a antibiotic, and a codeine cough syrup, Hes over most of the sypmtoms other then this headache and he says its mostly in the front of his head, more like a sinus headache, weve tried almost every sinus medication on the market and for the most part its never taken away, hes developed a dry cough at night that keeps him up, any ideas on what he can do to take this headache away, or how do you know if its truely a sinus headache? Any help would really be awsome, hes not on medical insurance so going to the doc would really really hit our budget so he wont go unless he feels half way dead, its a man thing lol

    7 AnswersAlternative Medicine2 decades ago