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Would you say something or call the cops or what?

Ok heres the issue, we live in a pretty nice neighborhood, mid class everyone keeps their yards kept and nice, hardly any violence. But here is my concern, the people that live directly across from me put their sons basketball hoop facing the road right on the curb, ultimitly having their kids play in the road constantly, i was worried when i seen this the boys cant be more then 12 the youngest looks about 7 or so, im terrified that the kids are going to get hurt, not to mention that ive seen the balls hit cars coming around the curve, i think OMG that could of been one of the boys! To make matters worse i seen them out there last night with a glow in the dark ball!!! OK so lets let them think its ok to play in the road in the middle of the night, im not tring to be a nosey neighbor but im terrified that one of the kids is going to be hit! I dont know them at all ive only lived here for a matter of months, so i cant really say anything to the mother i dont think, but im just worried

15 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    You should talk to the parents first. Your local police dept has signs that say "slow children at play", get some of them and put them up to alert drivers that kids are playing in this neighborhood. And parents you should be concerned about your kids and where they are playing. Good Luck.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    You are definetly walking on thin ice. But The first step to take is to talk to the kids directly and then the kids parents. And have an alternative for them like a driveway or putting cones up. Because if there is other place for them to play then what good is criticizing going to do. The next step would be to talk to some of the other neighbors, to you it may look like they are unsafe but they may know the neighborhood and the traffic more than you do, perhaps they can put your concerns to rest. In many neighborhoods especially coldasacs this is exceptable and a chance to teach the kids to watch for cars. If you still have concerns the people to call are child protective services. They are the ones that look out for kids well being and if they are being neglected in one way they may be in others also. CPS will look into this. Most people are scared to call them cause they think they take kids away but no, they don't always take away the kids but they do educate parents. Calling the police won't do anything. Unless it's illegal they can't stop them from doing it. And I know in most areas it's not illegal unless it's after curfew or the parents aren't home at all.

  • 2 decades ago

    I wouldn't call the cops or say anything, personally. Unless the mother is impaired, she put it there, she knows the possible dangers. If it's a busy road, I guess that may change things, but you make it sound at first like a quiet, safe place. What is the speed limit on that road? I live in a subdivision and it's 25mph. The drivers that fly through here are the law breakers. I let my kids ride bikes and play on their skates in front of my house. I would let my son throw hoops, too if he were older. He's nine. I'd be ticked off at my neighbor for correcting me as a parent, but that's based on how safe my neighborhood and street are. kwim?

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I understand your concern, but the parents aren't exactly abusing the kids. The cops can't do anything about it, so it's silly to get them involved. If it bothers you that much go talk to the parents. Tell them you notice people driving pretty fast in the neighborhood, and let them know your concern.

    Since the question asks what I would do, PERSONALLY I wouldn't say a thing. I'd just keep an eye out for speeders. Possibly write down their license plates, and turn them in yourself. Maybe even suggest a neighborhood watch program.

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  • 2 decades ago

    I think you should just get to know the family and casually mention about your concerns for the children safety of playing in the streets. But please don't call the cops. I think the parents will appreciate your concern and maybe together a solution can come up by communicating.

  • 2 decades ago

    I am not sure if the police can say anything to them but maybe they can help you find a solution. Maybe you could find out zoning laws in your area to see if it is legal for them to even have the basketball hoop there. They are kids we should all be watching out for them.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    2 decades ago

    Don't call the cops. Just go and talk to the parents of the children. Keep things lighthearted with them when you do do this and just explain your concerns.

  • 2 decades ago

    There is absolutely no reason to call the cops. If you don't want to speak to the parents send them a letter explaining your concerns, this isn't child abuse it isn't even negligent but maybe the parent is just stupid.

  • Maggz
    Lv 4
    2 decades ago

    If you are truly concerned you could call the borough, city hall or whatever it is where you live and tell them just what you told us. They will usually give you great advice at the very least.

    Good luck!

  • 2 decades ago

    calling the cops is a sign of weakness, people should be able to resolve their problems in a good neighborhood and not calling the sheriffs all the time...if you do so you are nothing else than coward...

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