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calling all stay at home moms.....?

I am getting to the point of snapping so eaisly lately, everytime i turn around i find ANOTHER mess my sons have made they are almost 2 and 4, I feel as though i can never sit down, i am constatnly running thin, i joined a Gym because i heard it helps plus i need to lose a few lbs anyway, im just running so short with patence with them and i feel like im going to snap one day and i dont want to let it get to that point, i live a hour away from everyone i know so i dont have any friends around here at all, i do everything i can for my family i try to be everything i can be for them but i feel like im going to go crazy in the process, its just alot of little things that gets under my skin and i feel like no matter how hard i try i cant ever be what i need to be, am i the only one? Is this normal? How can i fix this? I seriously cant take this fear of failing my children, i want to be a happy good mom not a frustrated constatnly upset one HELP!!!!

19 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    First of all,I am here to tell you that what you are going thru is absolutely normal, and the fact that you worried that you may be failing them says you are concerned and you are a good mom. Secondly, my son was a terror when it came to making messes and I used to get so tired of constantly cleaning up after him that I felt like I was going to snap almost everyday, from the time he was about 18 months till he was about 4. I can only imagine if my son would have been a twin or I would have had another just like him close in age, I would have lost it. But, try to keep in mind that when children that young are messing up and draging stuff out, stringing toys all over the house and making it look like a cyclone hit your entire house, they are actually learning, they are curious and need stimulation to occupy their growing minds. Being a mom is the most rewarding and demanding, overworked and underappriciated job in the world. But for me at night when my little monster mess maker was asleep I would stare at him and how sweet he looked and remember that I loved him before I ever set eyes on him. He is 8 now and does not make messes like that at all anymore so this too shall pass. I was traumatized by a mess my son made once, I have to tell you, he was in the kitchen when he was about 19 months old he was being quiet, I went in there and he had a tub of Parkay butter sitting on the floor with his foot inside of it (wearing his brandnew nikes) and butter smeared all over the stove door all inside the refridgerater his head was caked in butter and he was reaching in his dirty diaper smearing poop into his greasy little hand. I have never seen or heard of a kid like him in my life when it comes to making messes. So I feel for you, hang in there, try to spend an hour or two to your self at night enjoy the quiet and meditate, remember to take deep breaths and count to 100 if you have to. Good Luck and God Bless you.

  • 2 decades ago

    You are so normal, I am 29 and have 4 children, they are all in school now, but I remember those long days! Its depressing, also easier to gain weight because you are at home all the time, tired, and I know when I'm tired I eat! Just remember though it will all pay off in the future. I miss my kids being that age, sometimes I get really sad because I will hear the cartoons in the other room and remember when that was all I ever used to be able to watch, but now theres no little ones in the livingroom, playing and watching the t.v. Just be happy you can be there to watch them grow up, also remember to take deep breaths, I yelled alot and still do(when school is out). All you are going through is normal, if you were always cheery while being home with the boys you would be considered not normal. Good luck!!

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    As I recall, some days are just really tough that way. My son is now grown but I remember the days ALL I wanted was a (2 hour)shower or just to be able to have any ME time.

    Do you have support from friends or others? If not, put that at the top of the list.

    You mention the gym and excercise -- same goes for the boys, with the added benefit that they will wear each other out and get rest and give you the same.

    Let people know that you have discovered you aren't supermom and would appreciate help, ideas and any tips that worked for them when they have found themselves overwrought.

    Source(s): This too shall pass. Just not soon enough and not w/o some help.
  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I feel you!! I have a 4 year old and a 13 month old, both boys, and I feel like I'm just gonna have a breakdown some days!! One thing I've found that does help quite a bit is, just take time for yourself every once in a while. Every night after my kids go to bed, I take a hot bubble bath and just relax. And then I'll lay in bed and read (husband's not too fond of that part cause I usually keep him up :D, oh well :P). In the morning (like now) I get up an hour before my kids do, drink some coffee by myself, get on the computer and do whatever I feel like for that hour. Having that time in the morning to prepare for the day is a lifesaver, and the time at night really lets me unwind so the previous day's stress doesn't effect the next day.

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  • 2 decades ago

    Stop. Take a deep breath... let it out. I feel your pain, but I live 1000 miles away from my family and friends. How's that for frustrating. Consequently, a spend a lot of time on yahoo answers now lol. Seriously, it's normal to get frustrated. I have a 2-year-old and I feel sorry for you have 2 boys... Try not to sweat the small stuff. Just yesterday, I had my son's room completely clean and he trashed it while he was supposed to be napping (and I mean *trashed*) and I was so mad I just wanted to kill him. I just let him run off, took a deep breath, and started cleaning up again. Take your anger out in your household chores. I know sometimes you just want to strangle them, but you can't do that so you've gotta find another outlet. Exercise is a good idea, but I don't have that luxury. Just remember that they won't always be this young. You are a good mom because you're concerned for your childrens' well-being. You're not a failure.

  • 2 decades ago

    First off take a breath, is there anyone that can help take the load off of your shoulders? A friend, neighbor significant other? If not try getting into routine with your kids, I've found that if I actually sit down and do something constructive with them that there not as bad to handle as if they were wild monkeys running all through the house. Also try putting them to bed an hour earlier so you can have some relax time before the next day. Try reading the book "Nanny 911".

  • Absolutely normal! My kids are 7 and 5 and everything you say sounds so familiar. It seems as if I'm constantly helping everyone with everything. I'm finally learning how to tell people no! I try to take half an hour or an hour each evening for ME time. I'll go for a drive, go tan, workout, or just walk around the block. For me the gym is a good stress reliever, hopefully it will be for you as well.

    Try to take time out for you--even if it's only 30 minutes out of the day. Maybe it'd help to take the kids for a walk, or to the park where they can run!

    Feel free to contact me if you want to vent or need to just talk! ;0)

  • Maggz
    Lv 4
    2 decades ago

    I am a sahm now going on 6 years. My sons are 5 & 2 and sometimes I want to shoot myself! My 5 yr old had a disability, speech problems and adhd. My 2 yr old is getting tubes in his ears in 2 weeks because he has one ear infection after the other and just got ANOTHER today, I don't have to tell you what a 2 1/2 yr old w/ and ear infection is like...

    It's hard. I am so isolated, no friends, no one over 3 feet tall EVER to talk to except on here, thank God. My husband works 10 hours a day. I am thankful that I'm able to stay home with my kids but now, being so isolated for so long, I go into a store and forget how to act. I get nervous and have now been diagnosed with anxiety. I'm 33 years old and I feel like i'm drowning.

    I'll pick you up and we'll run away!

    Let's chat. Iam always, always ALWAYS, here. *sigh....

  • Angie
    Lv 4
    2 decades ago

    I understand. If you were here I'd give you a hug. I have two boys ages 1 1/2 and almost 4. The 4yr old is autistic, won't go into all that entails, but believe me it has nothing as calm and quiet to do with as sitting in a corner and rocking as they portray it on tv! The baby is into EVERYTHING!!!!!! What almost makes me lose it is getting up sometimes 20 times in a row to get him off of or out of something. He is a climber, so I'm always up. Yes, they are little hurricanes, too. To add to my frustration I will be homeschooling them, so I'm working up to that. We're doing pre-school now, loosely. My husband works from 2am-10am then is either sleeping or piecing the car back together, so he's not much help. Even when he does try to help, I wish he hadn't. I can't find anything! I take them on, all myself, day after day after day. I don't do the personal pampering, it's just not my nature. BUT, I live for bedtime. I make sure to take naps when they do, and go to bed as soon after they do as possible. I manage to wake up WANTING to see them, which is far different from how I feel when I go to sleep. There's always something going on. I babysit a 1 1/2 yr. old who has some developmental delays, so I do therapy with him and my oldest, my youngest is learning to sleep in a bed, is teething, AND I'm trying to run two businesses so I can stay home and put myself through this torture every day! Pretty sadistic, huh?! But I wouldn't have it any other way. I don't like other people to watch him, but that's just me. I know they won't be little for long, so I try to enjoy it for all it's worth. Find the thing that works for you, to help you enjoy it all.

  • 2 decades ago

    What you wrote is me too.

    I have an overactive 2 yr old just short of hyperactive, on the go all the time.

    Favourite words no & shut up.

    I have no friends at all for over 3hrs drive (only hubby drives not me), I hate his relatives they never even phone

    What makes it worse is I can't even get out the house cos theres no public transport or even a shop for a 7 hr walk.

    I live in the countryside.

    It's the boredom that makes it worse, the same old thing day in & day out, you end up taking out your frustration by having a severe lack of patience.

    You definately need some "me" time, time just for you.

    How about doing an evening class once a week, just so you get out & meet other grown ups & talk grown up things.

    You can always message me on messenger when it all gets too much my i.d is madamspud169

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