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Gumdrop Girl asked in PetsFish · 2 decades ago

How much light do guppies need or prefer?

I keep my guppies in the kitchen, but it's dark in there. They don't show any problems from being kept in the dark all day, but they really perk up when I come home and turn the lights on. A lot of fish don't do well with direct light, but should I leave the lights on while I'm at work? I'd prefer not to waste electricity, but if it keeps my guppies happy... Your thoughts, please.

6 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Guppies will do fine with just a few hours of light.

    I suggest a simple $8.00 timer. Have the lights come on a few hours before you arrive home so you can enjoy them and they can get 6 hors of so of light.

    They should have some access to light for full color development and optimal health. While keeping them in near total darkness would not harm them, they would be less likely to breed and show off pretty colors.

    Source(s): Aquatic Biologist
  • ruano
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    you should save guppies in low wattage blue tinted common ( alongside with T-5 Deep Blue), inspite of the very undeniable actuality that it would not extremely count number for one it truly is a techniques alongside in this is being pregnant. It concerns a lot to get get solid guppy matings. female guppies repond the brightness of the colour orange in male's tails. (because of this the unique non-hybrid guppies have a lot of orange). because it takes position in low common orange stands out interior the tail, and male's body actually seems gray in spite of the undeniable fact that the girls human beings seem on the tails. Dim blue common makes the orange stand out maximum, countless medical papers were written about this

  • 2 decades ago

    You should have a flurocent tube made for aquariums above your fish tank. you can buy lids with those built in at any pet store. Leave it on for about 10 hours and then off for about 14, this will not only give your fish proper light but will promote healthy algae growth (algae is neccesary to keep good water ph and balance minerals)

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    My guppies have a great time in my 20 gallon tank with standard aquarium fluorescent lighting.

    Source(s): me
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  • 2 decades ago

    I suggests you to leave the light on when u are at work, and once u come back turn it off. They'll be fine!

  • 2 decades ago

    it is ok for the guppies to kept on the dark.

    however, exposure to light will keep them healthy.

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