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Why should we help a democracy in name only Known as Israel?

Israel hates arabs and arabs hate israel. The jews have nukes and dont need us to help them anymore. We dont need to give them any more money or aid.

Israel is not a western style democracy. It does not permit Christianity on its land( It killed Christ and its conscience is not well with the fact) Saudi arabia also hates Christians. It bans Holy Bibles and those that practice anything other than islam.

Why should the western countries help anybody that is not truly democratic?


We should be even handed. No help to those that dont want to give their people freedom. It doesnt matter what religion country or language they speak.

Update 2:

Ella, israel has citizens that are arabs as it has its own jewish ones but if a Christian tries to preach they are under penalty of imprisonment. There was a big flap with the Protestants going to israel to try to convert people and israel put the law in effect to keep itself from being "influenced" by Christianity.

That is not democracy..

Update 3:

We dont need israel to take care of our strategic interests which happen to be oil in that part of the world.

The USA can convert to hydrogen powered engines and ethanol which would give our USA farmers more work and benefit us more than the oil does.

Update 4:

You need to learn World history and politics and all the other points touched on here ELLA>.It seems you want the free money to go to israel because you are probably benefiting from it,.

Update 5:

Mary Mary you make me feel so sad when I think that you are educated yet continue to tow the line for polical correctness.

I stopped and understood where I stand when I heard the Very Visible highly intelligent Benjamin Netanyahu say we were the reason that israel has been attacked. This he said on the CNN a day after 911. Look it up. Thats upside and everyone who is AMERICAN knows it.

We help israel thanks to peanuts carter and by the way we help egypt too.

They dont deserve our money either.

Update 6:

Evelyn, Here is what you wrote. I will put it here so people can see how cowardly you wrote me in private.

From: evillyn

Subject: You are a ******* idiot.

Message: You are a ******* idiot *******, you are not to address people specifically in yahoo answers. How dare you put your stupid religious bullshit into a perfectly valid question about government.

I will answer it this way.. I will put up my views anytime I want because we have DEMOCRACY in this country.. It is GUANARTEED under the FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE US CONSTITUTION!!!


I feel sorry for you.. You must be an atheist that believes that she can run over anyone that believes in God that is contrary to her beliefs.

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    The west should NOT assist any country that is not democratic..period!!! When Iran turns their nukes toward Israel …..WE will be the first to throw our men and women into harms way!! And WHY!? Does someone have the answer to that? Why should we throw our people into another war in the middle east? For who? For a country that would just as soon through us to the freekin dogs when we no longer are necessary to meet any of their needs???

    For instance Benjamin Natanyahu said…” the cause of the attacks on the United States was a cause of it’s own” …. Sounds like someone you’d want as an ally now doesn’t it??

  • Ella
    Lv 4
    2 decades ago

    Israel gives basic civil liberties to all it's citizens and residents. This inculdes complete freedom of religion.

    There are so many churchs in Israel, and people pray in them (and anywhere else) all the time!

    Israel does not hate Arabs, and there are many Arab citizens in Israel. They receive goverment health insurance, education, and lots of basic freedoms that they wouldn't get in many Arab countries. That's why most Arabs in ISrael wouldn't want to be part of the Palestinian Territories if offered the chance.

    America needs Israel because America uses Israel to implement it's own foreign policy in the region.

    Go learn some history.

    Then learn a bit about international relations.

  • Mary
    Lv 5
    2 decades ago

    I think trouble making, bigoted, religiously intolerant, and uninformed would be a better "Profile" for you, Dr Kersey.

    I certainly hope your 'Doctorate' is not in Theology, because it's doubtful that someone who obviously flunked World Religions should have received such a degree from an accredited university.

    Source(s): I am a Christian, who taught religious instructions for eighteen years. My Jewish stepfather had Israeli relatives who would disprove everything you have written so far.
  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Well, Bush is helpin israel, because he want them to help him rule the whole middle east. that's his dream and every american president dream. this dream will never come true, because there r so many inocent people in the middle east and that's what Bush doesn't understand, they will all fight 4 their freedom. America has no democracy either, in my opinion.

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  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I would answer but I think maybe the law prevents us from saying anything that may be construed as being against the Jewish people.

  • 2 decades ago

    My goodness you are a blowhard aren't you. The america that you want isn't a democracy either is it? I really hope the US doesn't fall into the hands of someone like you.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Israel only hates getting blown up by terrorists...It is very kind to is very democratic...

  • 2 decades ago

    becuas eit's better than a dictatorship.

    Why would people help hobos on the side of the street if they're not rich and popular like you? we want to help those less than us, not those greater than us.

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