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what is the best kind of game?

write what game type is better and your favorite game


I like the first person shooter and the better game is

half life 2

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Prolly RPG, or adventure, anything with a great story will keep you entertained for days even weeks

    The best ones are:

    The zelda series



    almost any decent platformer

  • 2 decades ago

    I think the best games are strategy games, like Age of Empires or Europa Universalis.

    Total war is the best stratergy game, as it combines turn based empire building on a map view (moving around armies, contolling cities) with real time battles in 3D with more than 2000 soldiers. The game can put in as many soldiers as your computer can handle. My PC is quite bad, but it handled over 5000 soldiers with ease. I realy recommend it and suggest you look into it.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    fighting game:Tekken 5

    racing game:Need For Speed Underground2/Most Wanted

    action adventure:Dragon Quest VIII:Journey Of The Cursed King and Metal Gear Solid3:The Snake Eater

    sports game:FIFA06 and FIFA Street

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago


    Final Fantasy VII

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