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Favorite Answers16%
  • Cancion de Marylin Manson?

    Como se llama la cancion de marylin manson, en la que en el video sale Marylin Manson pero es el personaje de Celebrity Death Match?

    El video esta hecho con los mismos personajes de Celebrity Death MAtch de MTV, y es un poco viejo ya

    Les agradeceria cualquier informacion respecto al nombre o donde puedo ver el video


    2 AnswersRock y Pop1 decade ago
  • Desde cuando existe yahoo respuestas (En Español)?

    Llevo casi un año de usarlo en ingles y hasta ahora me doy cuenta de que tambien esta en español!!!

    A alguien le pasó lo mismo?

    11 AnswersYahoo Respuestas1 decade ago
  • Bad RAM Memory?

    I have a 1Gb Ram card but it give me some problems

    Is it any way or program to restore a broken memory?

    7 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • Old games (but not too old)?


    I was looking for these games:


    GTA London

    GTA 2

    Half Life: Blue Shift

    Half Life: Opposing Force

    Half Life: (all the other expansions for this game (the first HL))

    well I was searching for this games and others without success, so if any of you know about a page were I can download them or if you have it or know where to buy them please tell me!!

    Please help!, any kind of help is welcome.

    I just want to play this old games!!!

    All these are PC games

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • What "LoL" means?

    What is the meaning of "LoL"

    I see all the people using it but I don`t know what really means


    25 AnswersInternet1 decade ago
  • Microphone in a LAN?

    Hi, i need a program to send and receive voice messages, you know like a chat but with voice and for LAN.

    Something like messenger but to work in a LAN

    Please help me

    1 AnswerSoftware2 decades ago
  • Who made the bible?

    Don't tell me that God do it.

    Some person had to take all the books into one,so.. who was s/he?

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • Problems with RAM memory?

    I have two DDR RAM

    1º 256Mb speed: 333

    2º 256Mb speed: 233

    my question is: Can I put both of them on my PC, or I can't because they have different speed? (the both have the same brand)

    And what about put two of different size??

    Please help me!!!

    7 AnswersOther - Hardware2 decades ago
  • Free Beer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

    Sorry there is no beer

    Any comments?

    (sorry another useless question... I'm an addict to this)

    14 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits2 decades ago
  • what is the best kind of game?

    write what game type is better and your favorite game


    I like the first person shooter and the better game is

    half life 2

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games2 decades ago
  • How to make Windows 98 Bootable?

    Hi, I have Windows 98 disc, but i don´t now how to "convert" it into a bootable disk. Do you now?

    3 AnswersOther - Computers2 decades ago